J - Jealousy

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"Ok, this was weeeeeeeeeird," Nemuri's drunken laughter arrived at Aizawa's ears as muffled sound.

"I mean," you giggled, looking at her, "that is one way to put it," you laughed together as you both turned to Hizashi, "So, how do you feel now about the name you chose?"

"Listen..." Hizashi slurred intensely, though given how drunk he was it was surprising he was speaking at all, "I didn't know about... that! I just thought it was a cool name!"

Aizawa was only mildly aware of your conversation, although it was happening right before him it felt as if some distant noise. His attention was elsewhere, though he felt ashamed of where. He felt like some stupid teenage boy, a dumb kid with a crush. He didn't want to accept but he knew the feeling gripping at his mind. He was jealous.

"God, I just can't believe you picked the name but none of you had ever watched that movie! I thought for sure at least one of you had..." you sounded almost outraged at their - and his - lack of knowledge about ancient experimental films, if he wasn't so caught up in his mind he'd find it endearing.

You four had been doing a movie night in your - and Nemuri's - apartment. Hizashi had settled on a mattress below the couch where Aizawa, Nemuri, and you were. At some point, you went from sitting beside her to laying your body on Nemuri, who had been sat with her knees pulled up. As you rested your arm over her legs, she rested hers over your shoulder. Aizawa had decided to just not look, but whenever you moved in his peripheral he felt jealousy tug at his heart. He wouldn't show but his mind reeled, wishing it could be him in her place.

"In my defense, I had nothing to do with it," Nemuri commented, pushing you back slightly and getting up to leave the room.

The worst part was: Aizawa knew his jealousy was unfounded. You, him, and Hizashi had been out one day without Nemuri and the blond fool decided to probe into your personal life. He'd questioned whether you both had anything going on - he tried to drag Aizawa in a bet about it, which didn't work. Your answer was a negative. You said that you knew she was gorgeous, nobody could deny it, but you were best friends and you had no intention of making it weird. So, Aizawa was jealous for absolutely no reason.

Feeling your feet nudge his leg he was broken from his trance, turning from the TV to you. "How about you, Eraserhead, how do you feel knowing you carry the name of this very old, very niche and very bizarre, surrealist movie?" there it was again, that endearingly passionate tone.

"Huh?" Aizawa grounded himself, "I feel nothing. It's Hizashi's fault anyway. Kinda liked the movie, tho," from the floor, Hizashi whined in complaint at his accusation.

Nemuri's voice sounded back from the kitchen. "Good thing I guess, cause that was som- Where the hell is all my beer?" she reappeared in the doorway "Where the hell is my- Hizashi!"

Her face morphed into a multitude of emotions before settling into rage as she finally noticed the stack of empty bottles behind Hizashi. She was drunk, but not drunk enough not to get angry at the scene. For his part, Hizashi tried - as best as he could - to smile apologetically at her.

"Errr... Sorry?"

"No sorry! You are going out to buy me more beer!"

"But I'm too drun-" his sentence was cut short as he was picked up by his shirt.

"Then I'm dragging you out, this beer is coming out of your fucking pocket, I bought enough to get double sloshed and you drank it all!" Nemuri raised her voice in rage as she dragged Hizashi out, slamming the door behind her.

With these two gone the apartment fell into silence for a few moments. Aizawa didn't want to admit but he felt slightly awkward now that your friends were gone. Sighing, he tried to keep his mind away from that and busied himself with trying his hair up. Still, from the corner of his eye, he could see you looking intensely at him.


"Nothing," you giggled, sounding only slightly tipsy, "I just think you look really handsome in a ponytail."

You smiled softly and Aizawa felt his face burning up. For a short moment, he stayed locked in your gaze before turning back to the TV. He'd given on even hoping you hadn't seen his blush. Hurrying up, he tried to cover his shame by finishing tying up his hair. As he averted his eyes from you he only realized that you'd gotten dangerously closer to him when he felt the weight shift on the couch. When he finally looked back at you, you bit your lip and reached to him, tucking a stray strand of hair behind his ear.

"Yeah, really nice."

You looked breathtaking with only the dim light of the TV illuminating your face. Your voice was low and soft as your hand lingered for a little longer on the side of his face. You had locked eyes with him again, gaze warm and inviting. There was something magnetic about you and when he noticed he'd succumbed to it, closing the distance between your lips.

The kiss was tentative at first, your hand resting on his face as his settled on your hip. Soon, however, you were both giving into each other. Your lips were soft and warm, your other hand came to grip his shirt as he gently bit your lower lip. You let out a silent gasp and he took the chance to deepen the kiss, bringing his other hand to the back of your neck as he felt the warmth of your mouth.

He didn't know how long you'd been kissing but he knew you were treading dangerously close to fully making out on the couch when a noise startled you. You were quick to pull apart and try to catch your breaths as the door opened. In came Nemuri with a grumpy Hizashi. She looked between the two of you but seemed to notice nothing. However, later that night, when you looked away, she locked her gaze with Aizawa, eyes too suspicious for his comfort.

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