When Patrick lets go we go to join the rest of our family and exchange hugs with them all. Joes' parents actually seem to be acting civil today, so that's good news. They ended up divorcing the summer after our freshman year after Patrick blew up on them and told them that they couldn't keep doing this just because he got cancer. It had been brewing for a while, but they are better coparenting apart than together.

«Teffy, teffy, teffy. Look at you in a cap and gown» my brother grins at me and I punch his shoulder before going in for a hug. He attends Washington university and play football for them. He was recruited from high school and got a full scholarship to play on the football team, so far, he is doing amazing. His goal is still making the NFL and looks like the chances for that are looking good.

«Soon that will be you. Well, if you don't decide to get drafted early that is» he is entering his junior year now, and technically you can enter the draft after that, but I hope he finishes his degree, so he has something to fall back on. «I'll finish school, don't worry about that. I'm not stupid. And besides, I can't be worse than you right, you got your degree and I'm right behind you sis»

Our parents made a reservation at a restaurant close to where we are, so we walk over there to enjoy a late lunch together. My eating disorder is better. I still struggle with thoughts and sometimes I catch myself doing behaviors that's so engraved in me that they are hard to manage at times. But I'm a healthy weight and can eat whatever I want when I want. It's still always there in the back of my mind, but it doesn't control my life anymore.


Joe wants to take me somewhere, so we hand our cap and gowns to our parents that will take them to their hotel room for now. They are staying here this weekend to celebrate with us, but Joe wanted to do something with me right now. I don't know what, but we make our way to downtown Manhattan, and he hold my hand as we walk to the highline. It's a park we have been to several times, but it's the park we went to on our first date. It's built on an old subway track and it's really cool, I love walking here in the spring and summer.

«What are we doing here Joe?» I bite my lip and try not to trip in my heels. Good thing I didn't go for sky high heels today and stuck with two inches. At least I can walk in these without my feet killing me or risk tripping. A twisted ankle is not on my wish list for today.

«We are almost there» he says and eventually we stop where we can get a good look over the Hudson River to the Statue of Liberty. We stood somewhere along here and did the same thing on that first date.

«I wanted to do this in that music room on my old dorm floor, but they closed the dorms for the summer, and I couldn't bribe the security guards to get us in. So I took you here instead» he says and scratch the back of his neck. He is nervous, I can tell that much, but I don't know why he is nervous.

«Do what?» I ask and he takes my other hand too. His fingers are warm as always and my hands fit perfectly in them.

«I've wanted to do this for a while, but I held off to our graduation day because it seemed like the perfect moment to mark a new chapter for us. I love you Taylor, you're my whole world and I wouldn't have it any other way. I'm not as good with words as you, we both know that so I will make this short. There is no one I would rather spend my life with, you're everything to me and with you everything makes sense» he says, and tears are sliding down my face. I can already tell where he is going with this and I'm struggling to hold back from ugly crying.

He pulls a box out of his pocket before getting down on one knee opening the box. «This was my grandmothers ring and it's been passed down in generations in my family. It seemed fitting to pass it down to the love of my life. Taylor, will you marry me?» He says and I cover my mouth with my hand for a second before wiping away my tears.

«Of course I will marry you!» the words come out cracked but he heard what I said and slide the beautiful ring on my finger. I don't even hesitate because I know he is the right man for me. I've known it for a while and there is no reason to wait for this next step in our lives. Things are about to change now that we are done with school, but it doesn't have to be a bad thing. Change can be good, it really can because it can mark the beginning of a new adventure.

«It's you and me Taylor» he says as he stands up and wrap me in his arms before he crashes his lips against mine. The taste of his mouth is familiar, it's my happy place. Being with him is like coming home, home is wherever he is.



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