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- Taylors Pov -

«Come on slowpoke. the uber is outside and we need to get to the Lincoln center my 11am» Joe calls for me through the bathroom door where I'm getting ready. We are graduating today from Julliard and my stomach is filled with butterflies. «Coming» I yell out before I finish applying my red lipstick and go out to meet him.

«We are going to make it in time. Don't worry» I say and put away my phone in my gown. Caps and gowns have improved over the years, ours have pockets which comes in handy. They are navy blue because it's the main color for Julliard.

We head downstairs together where Selena and tom are already waiting for us. The four of us live in a two-bedroom apartment that we all pitch in rent for. Sophomore year we all stayed in the dorms again, but during the fall semester tom and Selena accepted that they had feelings for one another and started dating. By the end of the year the four of us decided to get an apartment together so we didn't have to live in the dorm, and we have been doing that for the last two years.

We live right across the Hudson River in Brooklyn because we got a good deal on rent for an apartment there. We split it even four ways and it's not that bad actually. I actually never had to take out student loans myself, but I don't put my nose in the others finances. Since we come from different economic backgrounds it's obviously a sensitive topic, so we just don't talk about it. It's been good though, living off campus and having our own space.

Together we have decided that we are going to keep living there for a while longer while we build up founds from our new jobs. I have a record deal I signed a few weeks ago. It's been waiting for me for the last year because they scouted me and wanted to sign me, but we agreed that I should finish school first because a degree couldn't hurt. Joe has a new job starting soon with a New York orchestra that works at the Lincoln center and plays at the New York City ballet's performances. Selena has a job in the same orchestra while tom just a few days ago got the call that he has a spot on a Broadway show. Things are looking good for all of us.

We enter through a side door and take our seats on the first few rows. There are 50 students graduating from our music grade. We were more when we started but people have fallen off along the way. There is a lot of pressure being at Julliard and some people don't last the full four years sadly. But me and my friends made it and I'm so proud of all of us.


After the ceremony I'm officially a graduate from Julliard with my bachelor's in music vocal arts, and I have a record deal. Things are good for me these days, and after years of therapy I've learned to accept that life can bring good things with it.

Joe and I separate from Selena and tom to go meet our families where we agreed to meet up. They have become friends over the last few years since Joe and I are dating. I was nervous for if they got along or not, but clearly, I had nothing to worry about.

«Joe, Taylor!» Patrick comes running when he sees us approaching us and wrap us in big hugs. He is 16 years old now, Turning 17 years old in the fall and in remission. It took a few weeks, but his white blood counts came up and the hardest part of the treatment, the riskiest part, was a success. When Joe got the call from his brother about him being brought out of the bubble Joe sobbed and I held him and got the rest of the information from Patrick because Joe couldn't even talk at that point. Ever since Joe is still a nervous wreck when it comes to his checkups and stuff, but so far, it's looking like Patrick will have a long future. There is always a chance for a relapse, but Patrick is choosing to live his life and not constantly worry about it. It's taken some time, but Joe is starting to calm down a little about it. I might not know what it's like to have a brother with cancer, but I do know what it's like being worried about your brother and I can get that part. Not to mention that I've gotten really close to Patrick over the years too, he is like my second brother at this point, and he calls me all the time.

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