kissing in secret

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A/N PLEASE READ, IMPORTANT: I have a family emergency going on at the moment. A family member is dying any day or hour now. So I have less time to write due to the whole thing. So for a few days there will be a chapter every other day so I can still post but have time to carry the emotional burden on what's going on. I'm not at home either, I'm at my moms house with other people so it's hard to find a quiet place where I can get into my usual writing groove. Not to mention that it's hard to have the brain power to write at all. I love writing, and I love hearing all your feedback, it's one of the things keeping me going right now. Writing is such a big part of my life, and it helps, but I need to realize my limits at the moment. I hope you all understand and once I'm  back home I will be back to posting every day.

- Taylors Pov -

Sneaking around with Joe is thrilling but also exhausting. thankfully everyone is used to us spending time together in the music room, but now we end up spending longer there and making out. He makes me feel so alive and I can't get enough of him. We still haven't talked about what this means, but I'm fine with that for now. I'm just enjoying his company and seeing where it goes. Even if it doesn't go anywhere, it's still good right now.

His lips move with mine as my hands twist his hair between my fingertips. «You're so beautiful» he says against my lips, and I deepen the kiss again. We are supposed to meet our friends for lunch, but we both excused ourselves and pretended to use the bathroom while we in reality ended up around a corner making out.

We pull apart before we push our luck with how long we can keep a session. This hallway is almost always empty, but no need to test our luck with that. It's not like we are embarrassed about what we are doing but keeping it for us selves for now seems like the right decision for the both of us. Since we don't even know what we are right now there is no need for others' views on the matter to influence us.

I leave the hallway two minutes after Joe and head into the cafeteria to grab lunch. Picking out food is getting harder, and I don't want to deal with the stress of it anymore. It's like its drowning me and I can't breathe. I get some salad without dressing or anything adding fat to the meal, with some chicken on top that I have already asked about if they cook with fat, they don't. I'm still skeptical to trust that they are telling the truth, I don't trust anyone when it comes to food, but if I don't eat anything people will notice. I also get an iced coffee because I need the added caffeine. It's my one guilty pleasure I allow myself and just calculate for it. It makes me feel guilty to have it, but if I don't get my dose of energy, I don't know what to do with myself.

Everyone else Is already at the table when I get there, so I take a seat between Selena and Joe. He has already gotten his food too; he was in line a few people before me. One would think I would be right behind him since I was only two minutes behind him originally, but no, I take a long time to figure out what to get. I just feel so guilty for whatever I pick out.

«How far have you two gotten into the song? You're writing your own stuff, right?» Selena asks me and Joe and I swallow my bite of dry salad. «We have the instrumental done, now it's about making the words flow with it and figure out if we need to change the instrumental some. But we will be done way before the deadline» I say, and Joe agrees.

«I think it's really cool that you two decided to make something from scratch. It's a lot of pressure but as far as Selena tells me you're really good at writing lyrics Taylor, and I've seen some videos of you playing Joe, so I'm sure it's going to be amazing» tom says.

As far as I know most people in our class are adapting some already existing pieces, it's the easier way to do it according to the professor, and there is nothing wrong with doing that. Even if you're using an already existing piece of music, it's not like you can't tweak it into something of your own. The whole point of the assignment is to figure out a way to personalize a piece of music, original or adjust something already existing. I think another pair between vocal and instrument are taking a classical piece of music and adding lyrics to it or something. that's another interesting approach to the assignment.

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