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- joes Pov -

«So can I ask how things ended between you and Taylor?» I ask harry as we are getting ready for a day out. It's the weekend so we don't have classes. We wanted to explore the city a bit, so on today's agenda is Central Park. It's only a block away from the school, so we can get there quickly. Then we might take the subway somewhere else, but it depends on how much time we spend in Central Park. We all want to get in some practice time later. Even though it's the weekend its encouraged that we try to get some practice in on the stuff we learned this week.

«Well we dated for two years, and I thought it was going great. But then she ended it. She said it was because she needed to go here with a fresh start and that she doesn't know what she wants at the moment. But I think it was a mistake, she could still figure out who she is while still being with me» he says, and I struggle to keep a straight face.

The thing is that I catch myself staring at Taylor a lot. She is beautiful and I long to hold her close. But I don't stand a chance when her ex is here too, right? I haven't talked to her about their relationship, I don't feel like it's my place so early in our friendship, but she might still love him. Harry seems to still love her; it might still be a two-way thing. Or maybe she didn't really love him? A dark part of me hopes for that so I might stand a chance, but I'm not holding my breath. I've never really been crushing on anyone like this, I feel totally out of my comfort zone.

«I'm sure it's going to work out the way it was meant to all along» I say. But I hope it ends up with them not together, he doesn't need to know that though.

We head outside where Taylor, Selena and tom are waiting for us. «Let's do this» Selena beams. Since we already ate breakfast, we can just head over to Central Park.

- Taylors Pov -

«I love Central Park. Sometimes when we came to New York to see a Broadway play or a concert we would grab some to-go food and sit in the park to eat» my parents have always supported my love for music, so I've had plenty of chances to see tons of plays, concerts, and ballets. New York City ballet is amazing, and I'm so excited we get discounted tickets there since we are students at Juilliard. I'm totally watching nutcracker this Christmas season, it's one of my favorite ballets they have. And since I'm here anyway I want to watch the radio city Rockettes preform. I'm not a good dancer, so I could never do that stuff, but it's amazing to watch.

I've taken dance classes because it was a good addition when you do musical theatre, but I was never the best student in the class. I never wanted to be a dancer anyway, so I was just there to learn the basics and how to remember a combination. It did help me though.

«How many times have you been here? I have only been here once, for the audition» Selena asks.

«We are only three hours away from Boston, so I've been here a few times a year. And sometimes my mom or dad had some stuff to do here for work, sometimes we tagged along if we had a few days free from school or something»

«Remember when we saw lion king and you almost screamed when the elephant came down the aisle» harry tease me and I can't help but blush. «Give me a break, I was a kid. you threw up outside the theatre once because you were so excited, we got a signature from one of the cast members of Mathilda»

Harry came with us sometimes when we headed here to watch something. Even when we were only friends, we would bring him because he was my best friend. He was the only real friend I had, so I loved spending time with him. It made me feel like I wasn't alone in this world, and that means more to me than anything else.

We reach the edge of the park and head inside. Its early September, so fall has just started. But we are lucky that today is a pretty warm day here. I can get away with a thick cardigan today. I'm someone that's cold most of the time, so it's much needed. Later in fall the colors of the leaves will change, and the air will get even more crisp, that's my favorite part of the year. I feel like most people's favorite season is summer, but mine has always been fall. Exactly why I don't know, but maybe it has something to do with all the pretty colors, knit sweaters, cardigans, and all things pumpkin flavor.

starlight - jaylor AUOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora