i'm thankful for you

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- Taylors Pov -

We took the train to Boston yesterday. It was best so my parents didn't need to drive all the way to New York and back to pick me up. Joe was going to take the train anyway and harry joined us too. Joe went straight to the Ronald McDonald House to see his family; they are spending thanksgiving there. But I was invited over tomorrow to officially meet his parents and brother which I'm both excited and nervous about.

What if his parents hate me for their son, or his brother doesn't think I deserve Joe. A lot of the time I don't think I deserve him either, so if his brother agree I don't know what to do. Getting the parents and siblings approval is a huge thing in a relationship. My parents seem to accept that I'm with Joe, and Austin too. They only briefly meet him during the intervention, but he has been with me a few times when I have facetimed my family and said hi since he was there anyway. I have briefly spoken with his brother when Joe was Face Timing him, but not his parents.

«Taylor, are you ready? People are arriving» my brother Austin comes knocking on my door before he walks in. I'm back in my childhood bedroom until I leave for New York again on Sunday. We only have Wednesday through Sunday off from school before we go back to finish up the term.

«I'm ready» I say and kiss his cheek before we head downstairs, and as usual he groans and wipe it away. Messing with my brother is one of my favorite pastimes. A teenage boy is easy to embarrass, especially when you're the big sister.

I'm wearing a burgundy knee length dress with quarter sleeves. My hair is straightened, and my makeup is simple and finished up with a nude lip. I didn't want to go over the top for this holiday season, my goal is to blend in. Sticking out is just something I won't handle well right now.

We arrive downstairs where aunts, uncles and family friends are starting to arrive. My mother tends to go all out with these kinds of celebrations, she loves hosting people. A few days ago she held a thanksgiving party for her staff at the pediatric cancer ward she runs, the ward where joes brother will be admitted in two days.

«Darling, you look Wonderful» my aunt Marjorie comes over and gushes over me before kissing both of my cheeks. She has a tendency to be both overly sophisticated but also condescending at the same time. needs to say she isn't my favorite relative. My mother's sister is a handful, but thankfully we only see her for major occasions like this. She doesn't even live in Boston anymore either. «Hi aunt Marjorie, it's good to see you again. And thank you»

Being polite and making small talk is exhausting but I've gotten good at it over the years. There has been plenty of dinner parties, galas and other things of that sort I've had to attend with my parents. I also went to a private school that held banquets every so often too. But after events like these I'm wiped out to the point I'm ready to throw up. It's not something I enjoy that's for sure.

One after another I stand with Austin and greet our guests like the well-behaved children we are. Our parents don't even need to tell us what's expected of us, we know the drill by now. Our butler helps everyone put away their coats and then we stand in the entrance to the living room greeting people. Our house is huge, so the living room has enough space for everyone before we make our way to the long dinner table.

Eventually four familiar faces walk towards us, and I have a lump in my throat. Harry, his sister Tina and their parents. I knew they were coming, but it's different now that it's happening. Needs to say its awkward for me but I can't let that show on my face in front of all these people.

«Taylor, it's so good to see you honey. It's been so long. Harry has been telling me all about your adventures in the big apple» his mother says and give me a hug. I'm on first name basis with his parents so I greet them both with those «Lauren and frank. It's good to see the both of you again» I smile politely and accept their hugs. Harry and I are over for good, but I do like his parents. They have always opened their house for me, and I've been welcome to hang out whenever I want. They even trusted me and harry to have sleepovers in his room after we officially became a couple. Before that we had some sleepovers in the living room so they could keep an eye on us.

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