new years eve

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- joes Pov -

I had two choices for New Years. Stay in Boston with my family or go back to New York with Taylor and meet up with our friends. It was conflicting to choose but my brother told me I better get my ass back to New York so I could have a New Year's kiss with my girlfriend. He is quite found of Taylor and that makes me really happy.

Taylors parents got us VIP tickets to the New Year's eve show In times square so we are going there later. Since we have VIP tickets, we don't need to camp out all day like everyone else. It's a luxury I sure appreciate. Her parents are really nice, and I've been over there several times over break. I've slept there a few nights too and her parents doesn't care that I share a bed with her. They said we are adults and Taylor awkwardly held up a pack of condoms her mother gave her. Her mother told her to be careful as she is too young to become a grandma and I don't think I've seen Taylor that mortified before. The condoms didn't get used though because neither one of us wanted to have sex in the same house as her parents and brother.

It was bittersweet leaving Boston since my brother is still in isolation, but it seems like he is doing better. Its slow but his blood counts are going in the right direction. When they first told us I broke down in tears because it was the good news we were praying for. The thought of losing my brother is something I can't wrap my mind around and I hope that I never have to deal with that anyway. He is going to get better and getting to live his life as he puts this behind him. He will always be a cancer survivor, but the key word is survivor. There is a whole life out there waiting for him and I want him to take that road wherever it leads him.

«Babe you're thinking too much» Taylor says as she crawls up my body and straddle my waist. We are in her dorm alone. She was reading a book while I was originally playing a game on my phone, but I couldn't concentrate. This fall has flown by so fast and so much has happened.

«It's fine. Everything is fine when you're here» I smile at her before pulling her down for a kiss. I'm head over heels in love with this girl, and I wouldn't have it any other way. My hands travel down to her ass, and I press her closer to my body, if that's even possible. The taste of her mouth is addicting and her scent too. She uses some sort of body wash that smells like vanilla but it's not too strong that I can't catch her natural scent.

She starts to grind herself against me and I groan before holding her hips still «baby we don't have time. We have to leave soon. Not to mention that your roommate will be here any second» I peck her lips before setting both of us upright. My dick is hard as a rock in my pants, but I try to ignore it and force it to relax. The last thing I want is to walk around with a boner, but I don't think there is any avoiding that right now.

«Well this guy agrees with me» she says and smirk at me as she lay her palm over my crotch. «Not funny Taylor» I adjust myself so it's not so obvious and she pouts. «You're no fun»

«I am fun. I just don't like to be caught with my pants down, literally. And you and I have the room to us selves tonight because our friends are bunking together in my room so we can get alone time. So no pouting» I peck her lips again before we get up from bed. «And now it's time to meet up with them so we can head to Times Square»

- Taylors Pov -

I've been to New York a million times, but never on new Year's eve because my parents usually throw a party at our house and my attendance was mandatory. This year however we are spending it right in the middle of Times Square with our little friend group. It was a gift from my parents to all of us for Christmas because they thought it would be more fun for us than hanging out with all the old people, and they are right.

We make it to our seats in times square and I'm so excited to be here and we have some of the best seats there is to find. My parents pulled some strings to get us good seats, something about my dad being golfing buddies with one of the producers and also saving his life with surgery. I'm not complaining because this is amazing.

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