"Who is she, dad?" Viraj asked still looking at her serene face and a small smile appear in his face as she fisted his shirt tightly.

"She lost her way and was crying for her parents outside the hospital. Order our men to search for her parents quickly," he told him making him nod.

"She is cute," Viraj whispered in an admiring tone seems like this little human captured his heart also in her little palm like Jaiveer.

Suddenly they turn their heads hearing the commotion and panic seeing the doctors and nurses rushing inside the room where Ashika was being operated.

Arjun run toward the doctor and tried to ask them about his wife but they went away completely ignoring his questions. Looking at the chaos, Jaiveer is feeling something is not right. His heart is pounding heavily in his chest in fear.


You are very bad, Ashi.
How can you do this to yourself, to our baby, to me and to our Aaru? How could you?

Arjun thought staring at the tiles floor in daze. He closes his eyes feeling them burning yet again only for the nth teardrop to fall from his lifeless eyes. He never feel this empty and hollow from the inside. He doesn't want to cry yet tears are falling continuously. He has faith on her and her love that she won't leave him in the middle yet he is scared.

He comes out of his thoughts hearing the OT door open and few nurses and doctors rush out with scared faces making his heart drop in fear.

Arjun Pov

Seeing the doctor I quickly rush to them to know about my Ashi.

"Do...ctor, ho...w is s...he? She is f..ine, na?" I stammered badly in panic and look at the doctor in hope. But seeing the nervous and fearful expression, I feel my hopes shattering. I am not getting good feeling.

Stop thinking nonsense, Arjun. Be positive.
I scolded myself.

"Say something, doctor," but instead of saying anything he put his hand on my left should and said,
"Mr. Agnihotri, please listen to me carefully and calmly whatever I am going to say, okay?" that's it my hopes die inside my heart and my heart stops beating in dread for whatever he is going to say.

"Something happened, something bad, right" I murmured as my eyes moisten again.  He sigh and looked at me with sympathy which is making me angry.

End of Arjun Pov

"Mr Agnihotri, your wife's surgery is successful and she is out of danger for now but we won't be able to save your baby as your baby's heartbeat is very low and also your wife's water broke during the surgery so we have to deliver the baby now or else we will lose her but the baby won't be able to survive. The baby is too weak to survive in the natural environment. Prepare yourself, Mr Agnihotri your wife will need you. She is still very weak to take any shock and stress,"
Arjun just look at the door of the OT with lots of emotions. He didn't feel anything except numbness. He didn't ask and say anything to the doctor as he went into a state of shock. His body is shaking as he tried to control himself from breaking down.

The whole world vanished around him just him and his pain. His eyes fixed on the closed door in front of him.

The doctor look at his state and feel sad for him. Patting his shoulder he went away leaving him with his pain.

"Why God?" he whispered with so much helpless and pain in his voice that maybe God is also feeling guilty for his loss.

My baby.

Am I not a good father that you are taking my little heart away from me, huh?

Then why even blessing us with such a beautiful soul.

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