Chapter XXIII ~ Complete and Utter Terror

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Bea hadn't told anyone about what Wednesday had said, but quite frankly there was no one she could speak to about it. Xavier would take Wednesday's side, and Bea refused to talk to Enid about it for the same reasons that Wednesday. Therefore the girl had to sit it through and have a think, she contemplated the possibility of Tyler being the Hyde, while also including the vast majority of information proving him to be a normie.

The denial was beginning to set and the girl was left with a temporary calmness, a grace period so to speak of believing that Tyler was in fact not the monster.

There was only one thing left for the girl to do, and that was to check for herself, she would have to guarantee Tyler's humanity, which meant that she would have to speak with him about it of course. For now the girl was enjoying a nice long shower, she enjoyed showering at four or five, jr was a strange hour where most people preferred to do activities. This meant the restroom was relatively empty. 

The girl let the water splash on her face, it brought the illusion of drowning, but without the pain of holding your breath. Bea closed her eyes and sat below the running water for a moment before finally turning it off and squeezing out her hair. The girl was betting that Wednesday was in the dorm, which was something she was hoping to avoid. 

It was no use since Bea needed a fresh pair of clothes, she could handle the girls cold stare, it would only take a few minutes. 

Bea returned to her dorm with her hair beginning to dry and her skin still partially wet from poorly drying off. The girl headed straight to her annexed room, not daring to check if anyone else was in the dorm. Enid was most likely with Yoko and the others, and Wednesday was probably exploring or searching for more leads. This meant that Bea had the place to herself, though she wouldn't be there long, she needed to head to Jericho before it gets too dark.


So Bea went on her merry way to the Weathervane, she walked this time, though it was quite dangerous since it was dusk and the last remnants of the sun were slowly fading away. The walk from Nevermore to Jericho was very familiar to Bea, she'd done it at least a dozen times or more. There was a path that led down to main street, it was a straight shot from the back exit of Nevermore.

Since it was fall, the leaves had already cluttered the path, causing Bea to crunch the very earth that she walked with every step. She found it to be deeply satisfying, if she was lucky she'd spot a deer in the woods or some sort of wildlife. The trees had also begun to change in color, some of which were already completely bare or close to it.

At last, Bea had reached the miserable little town of Jericho, she could tell from the brick buildings and wooded paneling that was visible in the far distance. The sun had already set now, and the sky was just barely beginning to darken, it wasn't night just yet.

Bea pressed onwards through the barren streets of Jericho, the Weathervane was in the heart of Jericho, just across from the white church that was in the center. Tyler had told the girl about the church, and how one time the pianist had gone into cardiac arrest during the mass, he'd mentioned that the place was cursed. Crackstone had most likely cursed the place with his eerie and unholy nature. But that is a story for another day.

The Weathervane was closed, just what Bea was hoping for, but there didn't seem to be a Tyler inside. The lights were off and the sign wasn't flickering anymore. Bea continued to peer inside of the clear glass of the restaurant, she wondered if the boy had gone home already, it didn't seem likely. The Weathervane didn't officially close until seven, and Bea knew that on Thursdays Tyler had late shifts and the job of closing the place down. So where was he?

There was the sound of a car starting up in the back lot, was it Tyler's car? Perhaps Bea could catch the victim in time. The girl rushed off to the back lot that was behind the Weathervane, she was lucky enough to spot Tyler pulling out of his parking spot. Bea flailed her arms above her head to get the boy to stop, his head lights reflected off of her outfit, grabbing his attention immediately.

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