Dakota-"that didn't give u permission to touch me tho"

Y-"I protect my man and he does the same for me he doesn't want to he touched"

Jace-"thats why"

Trey-"hell yeah"


Dakota-"anyways I'll see u later trey"

Trey-"sure u will"

She walked off

Trey-"can u please bring me a change of clothes"

Y-"no there's no point"

Some girls walked towards then Trey quickly grabbed yn by her Jaw and kissed on her lips

Lani-"hey baby"

She kissed Jace

Jace-"hey mama"

Jasmine-"hey lani jace'

They waved

Jasmine-"whos that'

Jace-"his fiance'

Jas-"fiance? I don't see a ring"

Lani-"u wouldn't understand"

Trey-"ok that's enough"

Y-"u started it"

Trey-"and we finish later"


Trey-"no I mean 7:30"

Y-"but daddy-"

Trey-"daddy nothing I'll see u later baby"

Y-"ill come back at 1"

Trey-"no u will come back at 7:30"

She smacked her teeth he laughed a little and put his arms around her and kissed her lips 3 times

Trey-"I luh u"

Y-"I know"

He slapped her ass hard she hummed

Trey-"dont play with me"

Y-"u know I love u daddy"

Trey-"mhm I like when u say it"

She laughed a little he smiled and kissed her one more time and let her go

Trey-"if u get here early just come in"

Y-"ok baby"

He spun her around taking one more look af her kissed her lips and let her go

Trey-*sigh I love my woman

Lani-"she is so fine"

Trey-"right but look when she drives off"

Lani stood next to him watching yn she rolled the windows down played her music flipped her hair and drove off


They dapped each other up


Trey-"u know how u are about her"

Jace-"we not talking about me"

They got to work his break came he called yn

Y-"hey baby love"

Trey-"hey mama what u doing"


Trey-"good girl"

Y-"i try I try'

He smiled making her laugh a little

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