"Sinclair, what are we watching? It better not be romance or 'Legally Blonde.' It would just give me bad memories," Wednesday flatly stated. The werewolf acknowledged that and nodded. Enid couldn't believe that Wednesday was actually participating in watching a movie with her. Enid wanted to satisfy Wednesday, so she picked out a horror movie with a lot of gory scenes. They both sat on Enid's bed and watched the movie on the blonde's laptop. Every time that there was a suspenseful part, Enid would cover her eyes and flinch. Not to mention that she would cling onto Wednesday's arm. Whenever Enid got scared like that, Wednesday would redirect her focus onto Enid and crack a little smile in amusement. She loved seeing the fear on Enid's face.

When the movie ended, Wednesday got up. Enid was mentally scarred for life since the movie looked so real, but it was worth it if it made any progress being tolerable for Wednesday. "Did you like it?" The she-wolf asked.

"You being in fear? Yes, it was more amusing than the movie, but you holding me was annoying," The psychic replied. Enid hastily apologized, she didn't realize she was being all touchy with Addams. "Sinclair, you gave me a night of entertainment. You're forgiven this time. You're lucky I'm not gouging your eyes out like that creative movie," Wednesday sighed in satisfaction. "That was truly a poetic ending to end off that blood and gore."

Enid smiled, she was glad that she pleased the Addams girl. The werewolf yawned, "Okay, well, I'm going to take a nap— or at-least try to. I'm exhausted." Weirdly enough, this past week, Enid has been losing sleep bit by bit and has been waking up in the night earlier and earlier. She couldn't go back asleep, so she would just look up at the ceiling or she would just try to go to sleep again. Wednesday nodded, she was going to check up on what Thing was doing. When she made it out of the dorm, she ran into a familiar boy, known as Xavier.

"Oh, hey, Wednesday. How have you bee—" Xavier asked.

"No, I don't want to date you, so stop trying to be all gentlemen-like for me. Next," The psychic interrupted him and continued to walk.

"Hey, don't be like that. I got you a phone, then you barely text me. Literally the longest conversation we had was you asking for Enid's number," Xavier started to follow her. He had his hand in his pocket and walked quickly to keep with Wednesday.

"Xavier, stop following me before I decide to castrate you. I don't need another stalker," The girl with braids grudged. She stopped and glared at the boy, "I'm not your siren-ex who's easy to manipulate."

Xavier scoffed in disbelief, "I didn't manipulate Bianca-"

Wednesday interrupted, "Okay, but you certainly drove her away. You have a talent for that. Maybe you should focus more on the reason you're an outcast and possibly a stalker, and less on getting a girlfriend, or boyfriend. Now, I will excuse myself and you won't follow me or else I'll kill you with tweezers." Xavier gave her a look. "I watched a movie with Enid, it gave me some creative ideas to off people- Wait, see you're manipulating me otherwise I wouldn't be talking to you!" She walked off hastily. Enid's stupidity was rubbing on Wednesday.

The first dose was probably when Enid was clinging onto her. The psychic groaned. She made it to the Hummer's shed, where she found Eugene. She was quite surprised to find him here since the sun was already setting. Wednesday was curious, "Eugene, what are you still doing here? I just came to retrieve Thing."

"Oh, yeah. You can fetch him, he scares me," Eugene nervously said, "I'm here to take care of the bees, I stay here day and night, remember?"

"But don't you have a dorm?" Wednesday was definitely intrigued, "You know what? Never mind, how about you keep Thing today. He'll help you. He doesn't bite, I mean he quite literally a hand. He won't hurt you, unless I say so."

Eugene acknowledged and nodded, "Anyways, its been a while since I've asked-"

"No, Enid won't date you," Wednesday sighed. "I'm simply sparing your feelings, I don't usually do this, but I have certain kind of respect for you like you're my brother. Understand?"

"Yep, got it." He gave her a thumbs up and a dumb lopsided smile. Eugene knew that. It made him glad that Wednesday appreciated him. Though, he couldn't help but feel upset that Enid wouldn't reciprocate his feelings. Maybe it was better if they were just friends.

"Good, now I must take my leave." Wednesday pitied Eugene. His work ethic wasn't appreciated. Wednesday hoped that a new member would come and accompany him when she can't. She left the shed, disappointed in herself that she wasted her precious time. She could've used this time to continue her novel, or even better, figure out who was causing her trouble. This was a recurring thought. The stalker and 'witch' could be two different people, but at the same time, 'they' could be just one person. This itched in her mind and she loathed it. It was a full moon tonight, the psychic wondered when Enid was going to transform.

Wednesday wanted to see the disgusting process she thought that would take place. She was always interested into lycanthropy, but she has never seen a werewolf transform in person. She made it back to the familiar dorm that was split in half. Enid was still sleeping, she looked so peaceful. Wednesday wanted to ruin it, but part of her did not. Wednesday took in the tranquility an submerged herself in it.

The psychic decided if Enid was sleeping peacefully, then it would be her own fault if she missed the full moon. But it was really a bummer that Wednesday couldn't see Enid transform. She would have noted how painful it would be to turn and physical things about the wolf's form.

The dark-haired girl wasn't sure about what kind of werewolf Enid was. She had thought that Enid was a Lycan, which is different to a normal werewolf. Lycans can turn at will, but that would mean that Enid could've turned whenever she wanted to. So, Wednesday came to the conclusion that Enid must be a normal werewolf. Wednesday blocked out any more thoughts that came.

"Are you Weds or a psychotic murderer?" A voice came muffled, it was Enid. Wednesday turned at the blonde girl. At this point, the moon was coming into its full phase. The blonde girl sat up and fixed her clothing. "What time is it?" She was obviously tired and Wednesday could see that.

"Are you worried you missed the full moon? You didn't, its eight," Wednesday commented.

Enid shook her head, "No, Wednesday- I'm not going to turn." Wednesday tilted her head in confusion, when she realized she did that, she readjusted herself. Must've been a trait she picked up from Enid.

"Why? I thought you always looked forward to turning with the werewolves here," The psychic asked.

"I did, but..," Enid looked for an excuse to not go. It was irritating Enid how Wednesday was asking questions about why isn't she going to the full moon. She hasn't told Wednesday that she hasn't been about to turn. "I don't feel very well. My stomach hurts and all that," She lied through her teeth.

"Do you want me to make you a remedy? My mother taught me how-"

"No, no! It's okay," Enid refused. Wednesday didn't appreciate how Enid cut her off. The she-wolf winced at Wednesday's face, she showed no emotion, but Enid could sense she did something wrong. "Sorry, its just that-"

"Save it, I didn't care anyways," The raven said as she left the dorm room again. Enid frowned, maybe that was rude. She hugged her stuffed animal wondering why Wednesday left the room. It was already late. Enid didn't want Wednesday to be coming in late or being in danger without proper protection.

SimplicitiesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora