Quid Pro Woe Part 2

Start from the beginning

Her semi innocent face was beautiful.

Her black hair,catching little glints of sun,showing that it is actually a dark and deep blood red.

Her eyes,one a golden yellow,the other,black as a ravens soul.

Her skin,pale as morning dew with a tan undertone,and little freckles of brown.

All beautiful.

And I wish it was mine.

"You good?You dozed off or something."Y/n poked my arm,snapping me back to reality.

"Of course i'm fine.I'm just thinking about this case."I lie,feeling a little foolish for daydreaming.

"Got it.I was about to say.Cause...we here."Y/n points to the studio.

We enter and I take a deep breath.

"I need your help.And don't gloat."I start.

Y/n's pov.

I zone out and stare at the artwork.

He's actually really good.

Line work is a little shaky,but otherwise.

I can't talk much of course.

I'm only good at woodland creatures and birds.

Specifically squirrels,foxes,jays,sparrows,ect.


There is always a beauty in the way the sun catches the fur or feathers,the way the different species carry themselves,the inner self of animals,not the stereotypes.

Maybe I should talk to Xavier a bit.

He might become a good friend.

Wednesday suddenly pulls the cloth off a painting to reveal a drawing of me and Wednesday playing our instruments.

Wednesday gets a little defensive and snaps the slightest bit,but I just stare in awe.

A vision,most likely.

His visions don't leave until he paints,so this is mostly fine.

The way he captured our emotion.

Our normal blanks stares,yet you can still see the hints and glimmers of us feeling happy and good playing our music.

It's quite stunning.

Wednesday is kind of glaring at this point,and Xavier sighs sadly,feeling a little dejected.

"You catch emotion like you catch a butterfly.Easily.It's impressive.If you weren't some sort of seer,I would see this as stalker-y,but you are a visiony seer.Maybe we should hang a little more when things calm down."I look at Xavier,knowing he can see my slight kindness in my face.

Wednesday looks a little confused.

So does Xavier.

"What?"He asks me.

"We both draw in realism.And you are very good when it comes to emotion.We have things in common,and could maybe teach each other a thing or two."I shake my head with a slight smile,walking out.

Wednesday follows me,and Xavier is confused,but smiles a bit,almost laughing.

Time skip.

Y/n is in her dorm,and Wednesday just came back from where the mayor dies.

"Welp.Poor kid.This isn't good."I sigh,sounding a bit mocking.

Wednesday seems annoyed,so I leave for a bit.

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