"Let me show you something." He grabbed my hand and placed it on my heart. "Close your eyes."

"We really do not have time-"

"Do as I say, Emilea." His tone was sharp.

I reluctantly obeyed. He spoke something in a different tongue and suddenly everything became warmer. There at the corner of my eyes, I saw a light. It was small, like a flame. I approached it. A lite breeze made it flicker from side to side. My heart suddenly felt whole. "Do you see it?" Vyndor asked.


"Good." He moved my hand to his own chest. I hesitated at first but soon was eased by the thump thump thump of his heart. Once again he spoke in a different tongue. Was this the language of the Druids? If I was a Druid, could I speak it as well?

"What about now?" He asked.

A wildfire spread around me. It caught fire to every inch of darkness that existed in my mind. It was as bright as the sun. I had to squint, but it was incredible. Its brought warmth to my entire body. I reached out my hand somehow not afraid at all at the burn that might follow, though no burn did. The fire flowed around my hand with ease and beauty. I laughed. The bright yellow flame bounced around.

He took my hand off and the flames disappeared.

"What was that?" I asked.

"It is our life force. Our souls. Yours should be like mine, but was it?" I shook my head. "No, it wasn't. Do you know what it was two days ago when they brought you to me?" Once again I shook my head.

"Nothing. There was nothing."

What did that mean? Was he saying that I died?

"I don't know how you survived. If I am being completely honest with you, you shouldn't have. It was a miracle I suppose. Even Abernan would have struggled to bring you back."

"But you did."

"Yes, I did. This is why you can not go. You need to rest."

"I have already decided." I ignored his warning.

"This sword." He held it up for me to see. "This sword, like others similar to it, uses life force. That is what Druid magic is. It is dangerous. You need to have the proper training to even use Druid magic, which is why I don't understand why Abernan didn't tell you."

"Can you teach me now?"

"It is not something you can learn in a day. It takes many, many days to master."

I had figured he would say that. Taking the sword from him, I began putting on my armor Palleas had set out for me.

"Emilea. If you use this sword again it will kill you."

I finished putting my armor on and looked at the old man.

"So be it."

"My, you are a stubborn one." Vyndor placed his hands on his hips.

"So I am told."

I left him and went outside. The sun was warm and the view of the surroundings were just as beautiful as the last time. It was something to be thankful for. If the old man hadn't saved me, I would not have been able to see this view again.

Bargonaan, Kelrith, and Beatra were on their horses, with a new brown spotted one for me, since I am pretty sure mine ran off in the last fight.

"You ready?" Kelrith asked. I nodded yes.

"I respect your determination, Emilea. As a Druid, a race that is near extinction, I warned you against using that sword. However, seeing that you have made up your mind, I shall say this one thing. If you do use the sword again, keep it short. Any longer than a few minutes and-" Vendor warned.

"I understand."

"What, are you crazy? That will kill her." Palleas responded.

"I just spent two days keeping her alive. I am not going to just throw that away." He looked at me. Three druid women appeared behind him. They were around the same age as the old man. They walked over to me. "Let us give you our blessing. It will increase your spirit by a little. That, unfortunately, is all we can do at this time." I gave them my hands. They closed their eyes. Beatra and the others watched.

Though I couldn't see my soul fire, I think I could feel it grow. It was like the feeling you get when you are hunting. Excitement or a type of hunger.

"Thank you."

"The fastest way to increase your soul's will without magic is to be as positive as you can be. Let nothing waver your feelings. Be like the moon, that never frowns." One of the Druid women smiled.

"It won't be enough though." Vyndor looked at me. "I pray that you, somehow, accomplish what you need without the sword.

"What of the Black Lotus I gave you?" Kelrith interrupted.

"Just another reason why you shouldn't go. This is dark magic. Do you know of a time you might have been exposed to a powerful sorcerer?"

A powerful sorcerer? Perhaps I had but I had seen many people. So perhaps one had been a sorcerer.

"I only have met the sorcerers from this village. Though we believe KuRath might be one and he and I have crossed paths."

"In order to perform the Black Lotus spell, they would have had to have direct contact with you. Afterwards, some who have experienced it say you don't feel yourself. Sometimes you can even lose your thoughts." He explained.

I suppose I have been very forgetful recently but wasn't that because of my lack of sleep? I thought back to the time I was controlled. I had seen KuRath in my dream. Perhaps he had somehow snuck into the Assassin camp and found my tent. I suppose it was possible, but how had no one seen?

"Once applied they can control you at will. Depending on how strong the spell was, decides how long the spell will last."

"Can she still be controlled?" Bargonaan asked.

"Yes. When I healed you, Emilea, I could sense the spell on you. Unfortunately, Black Lotus is a very tricky spell. I am afraid there is nothing we can do with it. To sever a bond like that requires powerful dark magic that only a few druids have been taught. There are only two Druids that I know of who could help you. Abernan and his brother Kapernus. Sadly Kapernus is locked away in Rystan, Galasia's prison."

"Abernan is with Andrion, is he not?" I am sure Kelrith directed that question at me but I didn't respond. Why hadn't Abernan helped me before? He acted as he had never heard of such a curse. He was the one that had me sent away. Perhaps Debynn was right for warning me about him.

"Is there any other way?" I asked Vyndor.

"Sometimes it is possible to see through being controlled. Though it requires a mighty strong will, it is possible. Once again it is something that must be practiced and learned."

"Is there anything else that could break the spell?" I asked hopefully.

"Death. To either the user or the used." One of the druid women spoke.

We were all quiet. Not good news.

"Unfortunate that I am not trying to kill you anymore, otherwise I could have helped with that," Beatra smirked.

"Lucky me." I rolled my eyes.

"So all we have to do is kill KuRath. Why didn't you just say that first, old man? That is easier." Palleas smiled.

"If he uses dark magic as you say he does, it will not be easy."

"We will figure it out." Kelrith half smiled.

"Yes, thank you. All of you, for your help." I was grateful for all of their help, but I was also worried. Not just for myself, but for the safety of my friends that stayed near me. If I was controlled again, there is no saying who I might hurt.

"I hope we meet again, in a time where Galasia is at peace." Vyndor waved as we departed.

I hoped the same. We all did, I was sure.

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