G3 Bounty: Douglas

Start from the beginning

Gus: Whoa! That was Douglas! And you see what he was holding.

Kenny: Yeah, that was a Gatlian. We gotta help them.

Scarlet: I located Douglas' office, but we have to go through the training facility to get there.

Y/N: Alright guys. put your G3 faces on.

We make our way through Dreg town and find the G3 training facility. But we find a sign that says "Gooped G3 recruits only".

Y/N: Where the hell are we gonna get goop? Every canister I touch gets converted into my shield.

Scarlet: I'm detecting someone watching us. They're right behind.

I look behind and see a small purple alien wearing only a cloak and underwear. He gestured for us to go into the alley and we follow him.

???: Hey, you there. I'm the goop guy around these parts. You want to get into G3 facility, you gotta get covered in Goop. That's just how it goes My stuff's quality! What do ya say?

Scarlet: I don't see any other way to get to Douglas. Accepting is our only option.

Y/N: Yes. Give us Goop.

Goop guy: Perfect. Just head down that alley and let the magic happen. And don't worry, first goops on me.

I turn and see a cage with a large Furgle sitting on it.

Kenny: Oh god!

Y/N: Let's just get this over with.

I step inside and the large Furgle "Goops" us.


Gus: I'm not one to shame people. But that's just disgusting.

Scarlet: Sucks to me you guys.

Y/N: Let's join the G3 and kill Douglas.

We entered the G3 recruitment center and after a Gretin explained the details of being in the G3, we took a seat and a Douglas video gave a heads-up about entering a deadly training arena. I killed the Mytes and Greebles and made my way through an electrified death maze. I found a vent in the next room to make it faster to get to the rest of the course. I use Knifey to zip along the wires leading to the next area. The speed of the zip-lining causes the Goop to wear off.

Y/N: Goops worn off, but no big deal. It's done its job.

We land in front of a pipe and see a small, octopoid-like alien emerging from it.

???: Oh my god! Hello! Thank god you're here! My name is Doctor Joopey! Douglas kidnapped my family and I'm trying to sneak in and save them! But I just can't get through these pipes in the next room! Oh my god, I'm freaking out!

Y/N: Hey no worries. We're here to help.

Dr. Joopey: You'll really help me? Thank you so much. Follow me.

Dr. Joopey goes into the pipes and we enter the room they lead into.

Dr. Joopey: I need you to align those pipes so I can get into the one leading out of the room. It's the only way to sneak in and save my family.

Y/N: Ready Kenny?

Kenny: I'm all fired up!

I shoot Kenny at the pipes to align the pipes correctly. Dr. Joopey crawls through them and comes out of the hatch.

Dr. Joopey: Wow, you did it! You got the door open!

Gus: Don't mention it.

Kenny: Happy to help.

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