Chapter 2: Beginning Of Pain Part 2

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Half an hour after the awakening of the Herrscher of Void. The scientist, Gaizer Lotcost, has suffered an infectious injury caused by an attack by the Honkai beast. The wound has not colden, which is concerning as Honkai infection tends to stop the ability to freeze the blood. He tried to stop the bleeding by bandaging it but his blood will keep flowing outside slowly.

Gaizer has no choice but to get to the nurse station in the best. The reason why was to get a freeze spray to apply to his wound. He didn't though of getting one before the awakening. However, the whole base itself is crowded with Honkai beasts. He needs to be hidden as the Herrscher might be able to notice and kill him immediately.

Slowly, he is approaching the nurse station without alerting a Honkai beast. Gaizer brought his Bladecon and several bottles. 6 for offense, 3 for disengaging. Gaizer moves from corridor to corridor to get there, a few Honkai beasts managed to get into the rooms of the base section.

Currently, he is in section C and the nurse station is in section D. The range between sections is made short, but the difficulty comes with being stealthy as it slows Gaizer down.

"Being stealthy is such a pain in the ass..."

He thought to himself as he uses a binocular to observe the walkway that is crowded with Honkai beasts.

On one side, he needs to be stealthy but the risk of getting caught is very high. On the other side, not being stealthy would ease the journey as Honkai beasts would be incinerated immediately with his weapon. But it would mean that he is revealing himself.

Gaizer took some time before deciding his choice. Picking the wrong choice would lead him to be in a worse condition. "Stealth or show off..." He thought.

Finally, he picked to show off to the beasts with his invention Bladecon.

A bottle was inserted into the weapon and the Bladecon system recognize it as a magnet bottle. He prepares to shoot it right at a pole and when the calculation is right, the trigger was pulled.


The shot was fired and an explosion occurs right on the target. Each Honkai beast gets pulled onto the pole and creates a pile. Gaizer switched the bottle and the system recognized it as Fireworks.


Another shot was fired, and the beasts explode into pieces before disintegrating into dust.

The Bladecon would then be unloaded and put on his back. Gaizer moves on to his objective. Suddenly, an immense pain was felt in his chest right at the infectious wound. He drops to his knees and puts down his weapon. The wound shines purple as the Honkai particle has infected his blood cells.

Gaizer tries to move but the pain is too great for him. Without him noticing, a beast was about to crash into him. Just as he heard a weird noise, he hits the beast behind him with the Bladecon. The beast was flung but not fully cut just yet. Once again, he tried to move faster and run for it. But the pain keeps stopping him.

2 more beasts appeared to join in the ambush. Gaizer takes the Bladecon and attempts to insert a bottle inside it but failed. He has no choice but to fight them at close range.

3 of the beasts jump and are about to fall on him. He closes his eyes due to his hope fading away and felt he was about to die. Just right as he was about to be hit, all of them were hit by someone or something.

Upon opening my eyes, a person in a black-colored battlesuit is in front of me. Her, hair is grey and paired with a low ponytail. I wondered who this is. The woman would then fight the Honkai beasts with her fists and legs. Her strength was incredible, it was like she is punching and kicking punching bags.

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