fake update!

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First of all,

I request you all to read this fake uPdAtE whole. It's my request.

As you all know this book is my first ever writing and I was obviously a fetus writer I didn't have any idea about how thing's gonna work out or what's the pain plot gonna be.. I was just playing with words and i made a very childish story that I don't wanna talk about.

But y all showed a lot of love to my book and I'm trying to improve myself. My second book's plot gonna be changed a lot cuz for my second book I've an idea and I'll try to be more conscious about that book cuz I'm really excited to write it.

So maybe there's only 2 or 3 chapters left for my sweet cuz or maybe more. So I wanna say thanks a lot for everything cuz the amount of love you showed was unexpected and take a look to my 2nd book cuz you might like it or not.

( I'll update my 2nd books few previous chapters)

Thanks for reading and I'm working on update. I'm sick but I'm working.

Take care of yourself. ٩(ര̀ᴗര́)ᵇʸᵉ

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