Chapter 50

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*Freya's P.O.V*

I didn't mean to be judgmental but Heisenberg was kind of lame to hang out with. He wouldn't let me do any of my fun chaos stuff like stealing her wine or getting into her makeup. He did however help me bolt all of her furniture to the ceiling. It was honestly great to have wings,  I could reach so many things that I wasn't able to before.

Heisenberg also refused to let me go down in the basement, he managed to stop me every single time that I got close to going down there. I knew there had to be fun stuff down there though, Cassandra had told me that there was. She also threatened to use the stuff to torture me but that wasn't really the part of the conversation that I had focused on.

I ended up biting Heisenberg a time or two before he threatened to muzzle me. I had taken that as a challenge and tried to bite him again. Instead of muzzling me though, he kind of just bolted me to the ceiling as well. I was stuck with my back against the ceiling as I growled at him, Cina looking at him in confusion.

"This is what happens when children try to keep biting adults," he informed Cina who just wagged his tail.

"Cina, bite him," I said as I glared at Heisenberg. Cina looked between the two of us as his tail continued to wag.

"See, he's a good boy," Heisenberg said as he petted the top of Cina's head. The fluffy dog looked quite pleased to have Heisenberg's sole attention. I bared my teeth as I continued to try and get down.

"I'll scream," I said suddenly as I stopped squirming. "I'll scream and then Mommy will come and she'll be mad at you. Cause you're the adult and I'm her baby," I said as I looked at him with a triumphant grin.

"Yes but that would require me to care, which I don't," Heisenberg said as he looked up at me over the rim of his stupid sunglasses. I opened my mouth to scream, pausing when Mommy's study door slammed open. I turned my head and grinned when I saw Angie standing there.

"What is up Mr. Overcompensates with his hammer?" Angie shrieked as she entered the room. Cina's eyes locked on her and he ran over to her, sniffing all around her. "A noble steed for me to ride, finally," she said, her wooden fingers scratching his side gently.

"It's Freya's and she's currently busy at the moment," Heisenberg growled as he looked from Angie to me. "Shouldn't you be with Donna?" he asked.

"Mother Miranda took her for some reason, something about knocking out your lycans," Angie said. Heisenberg tensed at that and then suddenly stormed out, muttering about 'blonde bitches who needed to stay in their own lane'.

"Brilliant work Angie, help me down?" I asked as I looked down at Angie from where I was still pinned on the ceiling.

"Hmm yeah, let me just go get my fucking trampoline," Angie said sarcastically. "How am I supposed to get you down?" she asked as she stared straight up at me.

"Maybe use the flying dog?" I suggested as I glared down at her. She looked at Cina who seemed proud to show off his wings.

"Fuck yes," Angie said as she ran over to Cina, climbing up onto Cina. Her little fingers had dug into his fur as he started to flap his wings. "Onward my steed," she said as she tapped his sides lightly with her feet. Cina started to fly, a little shaky and wobbly but he managed to reach me.

Angie's little fingers dug into the metal that kept me pinned against the roof. She was surprisingly strong for a little wooden doll and she managed to rip the metal off rather quickly. Once she got the last piece off, I fell. I only managed to save myself because I dispersed into my fly forms right before hitting the ground. I reformed once I was sure that I would hit the floor.

"Good job Angie," I cheered as Cina landed, his tail wagging the whole time. I ruffled his fur as he licked my face, his tongue almost serpent like. His eyes looked a little like a serpent's as well which was so interesting to me.

"Come noble steed, we must wreck the vampire house," Angie hissed into Cina's ears, using his fur to guide him like he was a horse.

"Want to booby trap the house?" I asked Angie before Cina and she could leave the room. She paused for a moment before turning to look at me.

"How so?" Angie asked. "Boiling acid? Rusty nails? Poisoned food?" she questioned.

"No, I just meant like flour and paint and stuff. Not trying to kill everyone here," I muttered. "If we did your stuff then Auntie Donna could get hurt," I pointed out. Angie seemed distraught over that so she conceded with my plan to booby trap the house. If there was one thing that Angie wouldn't do, it was hurt Donna. I was in the same agreement, Auntie Donna was the only one I wouldn't harm in the slightest.

"To the kitchens to get flour," Angie commanded Cina, still continuing to ride him like a horse. I wasn't worried about her hurting him, she loved animals and wanted one desperately. Donna didn't allow animals in her home though because an animal could mess up one of her dolls. A part of me wondered if I could sneak Cina into Auntie Donna's house.

I shook my head to clear my thoughts, skipping out of Mommy's study to go find the paint. I knew there was a whole bunch in one of the old rooms that no one went in. I had asked her about it a while ago and she had said I could use it to paint. And really if you thought about it, pouring paint on people was just another type of painting. I wondered what color would stain Mother Miranda's hair the best as I skipped to get the paint.

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