Chapter 22

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Why do y'all want to see Mary get tortured so much?? I mean I can write it for next chapter but it's your fault if Freya gets traumatized. Also I think I want to have my favorite lady and her possessed puppet come in within the next couple of chapters.

*Freya's P.O.V*

I followed Daniela down the hallway, our fingers interlaced as I swung our hands. I followed her to a hallway that I had only ventured down a few times. I smiled as Daniela led me to a door that was next to hers, bouncing on the tips of my toes as I looked at her.

"Go on, open the door," Daniela encouraged as she let my hand go, gently pushing me towards the door. I rolled my eyes at her obvious excitement as I stepped forward and opened the door. pushing it open with a bated breath.

My eyes scanned the room as I flipped on the light, watching it illuminate the room. I smiled at the décor that decorated it, noticing that it was fantasy themed. Darker colors such as dark green, gray, and blue decorated the walls to make different fantasy scenes. My bed had a dark green comforter on it that looked really comfortable. I made my way to the bed and hopped onto the bed, laying on my back.

The ceiling was decorated with glow stars that made up constellations. I didn't know which constellations they were but I did know that they were constellations for sure. I felt the bed dip slightly as Daniela sat next to me.

"Do you like it? I helped pick out everything for your room," Daniela said as she gently ran her fingers through my hair. I tilted my head back to look her in the eyes and smiled softly.

"I love it," I informed her as her nails gently ran down my scalp. I shuddered at the feeling, her nails were sharp which allowed me to relish the feeling of the scratches.

"I am glad, Mother will be happy that you enjoy it as well," Daniela said as there was a knock on the door after a moment. I sat up, smiling when I saw Taylor standing in the doorway with an ice pack.

"I brought you an ice pack Faye," she said as she crossed the room, handing the ice pack to me. I offered her a small smile and gently pressed the ice pack against my face. I shivered from the cold as I felt Daniela gently cover my hand to keep the ice pack in place. I removed my own hand to allow her to keep it in place.

"Thank you Tay," I said as I turned my head to look at her. She hesitantly sat down next to me, glancing at Daniela to make sure that she wouldn't do anything. I closed my eyes as I turned my head to let my head rest on Daniela's leg.

"You are adorable," Daniela whispered as she smiled down at me. My eyes were half-closed as I hummed contently.

"You should see her when she wakes up in the middle of the night," Taylor said hesitantly. "She tends to sneak into my bed when she does," she stated.

"Does she really?" Daniela asked, sounding slightly amused.

"I do, Taylor gives good cuddles," I informed her as I opened my eyes to look up at her. "I bet you give good cuddles too and now that my room is next to yours I can have them whenever I want," I smiled which earned a grin from Daniela. Daniela paused as she tilted her head for a moment.

"Mother just got a phone call from Heisenberg, I suppose that gives me more time with you little fairy," Daniela said after a moment. That news made me happy which I showed by cuddling with Daniela more.

"So you have really good hearing?" Taylor asked quietly, wincing at the predatory grin on Daniela's face. I watched the exchange quietly, knowing that look couldn't mean anything good.

"Oh yes, we have very good hearing," Daniela said as she leaned closer, a dark smile on her lips. "We've heard some very interesting things from you Taylor," she chuckled at the look on Taylor's face as Taylor scrambled back.

"Like what?" Taylor whispered as Daniela sat back, gently running her hand through my hair.

"Oh just things like how people may think Freya may not be able to walk for other reasons or how you were thinking of a different type of Mommy," Daniela said casually, smirking at the audible gulp that escaped Taylor.

"Oh, that's not good is it?" Taylor whispered as she looked at me with fear in her eyes. I gave her a reassuring smile as I reached over and patted her hand.

"Oh I wouldn't say that, Mother found your words very amusing," Daniela said as Taylor's eyes widened as her cheeks darkened with a blush. "She said something that you may find interesting," she stated.

"What did she say?" Taylor said as she licked her lips, her eyes wide with shock.

"She said that she'd be glad to show you how hard it would be to walk if she dealt with you," Daniela said as Taylor audibly squeaked. She scrambled off the bed and ran out of the room, her face red from embarrassment. "Huh guess she can't put her money where mouth is," she stated.

"That was mean Dani," I frowned at her, crossing my arms slightly.

"It wasn't mean, it was the truth. Maybe your friend will learn not to say things if she does not want them to be overheard," Daniela shrugged, a small smirk on her lips. She tilted her head again before smiling. "I have to go, Mother is going to the cellar," she said as she gently lifted my head up and grabbed the pillow to put it under my head.

"Daniela, hasn't she been punished enough? I think I beat her up pretty bad," I said hesitantly. I knew that Mary had said terrible things but I knew what happened in the cellar wouldn't give her a chance to change her mind. She would most likely die, feeling that she had been proven right.

"I'll bring up your concerns with Mother but I make no promises," Daniela said with a small frown. She kissed my forehead before she swarmed out of the room.

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