Chapter 32

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*Freya's P.O.V*

I woke up with a soft groan as I stretched out, my hands hitting the bars of the crib. My eyes fluttered open as I looked around, trying to reorient myself. I rubbed my eyes, letting out a frustrated huff as I looked down at the mittens on my hands. I could probably chew them off if I really tried but for now I would put up with them.

"There's my baby, glad to see you are awake darling," Mommy said as she entered the room. I pouted at her as she lifted the crib lid open. She lifted me out of the crib, patting my bottom slightly. "What is with the pouty face darling?" she questioned as she carried me to the changing table, unzipping my onesie and helping me out of it.

"I don't need crib," I said as she undid the tabs of the diaper, cleaning me up and sliding a pullup into place. Mommy lifted me onto her hip as she carried me over to the dresser, looking through a few of the outfits in there.

"Yes you do, the last thing I am going to do is have you roaming around the house when you should be napping," Mommy stated simply as she pulled out a miniature version of Auntie Donna's dress. "Hands up," she said. I lifted my hands up and she slid the dress on, carefully pulling my arms through the sleeves. "I want to give you one last warning little one, if you take your pull-up off you will be wearing mittens until you prove you can be a big girl for Mommy," she said as she tilted my head up so I had to look her in the eyes. "Am I understood?" she questioned.

"Yes bossy lady," I said as I nodded my head. I squeaked when she tapped my bottom warningly. "I meant Mommy," I pouted slightly. It wasn't my fault she was bossy.

"Your little behind is on thin ice," Mommy said simply as she looked down at me. I shook my head as I grabbed a loose strand of her hair, twirling it around my fingers .

"I thirsty," I said as I clutched the top of her dress with my free hand, looking up at her hopefully. She chuckled softly as she carried me to the rocking chair, sitting down in it. She tugged her top down, letting me latch on as soon as I could. I started to nurse, closing my eyes contently.

"Slow down baby," Mommy said as she tried to pull me away slightly. I whined as I was pulled away, some milk dribbling from my mouth. I tried to express my discomfort only to end up hiccupping. "Oh darling, this is what happens when you drink too fast," she sighed as she patted my back. She lifted me up so that my head was resting on her shoulder and patted my back until I burped.

"Not my fault," I whined as my hiccups stopped after a moment. She shook her head as she brought me back down and let me latch on. I went back to nursing although this time I didn't drink nearly as quickly. We sat in a comfortable silence for a couple minutes until I was full. Mommy fixed her top as I cuddled into her, a soft sigh escaping me.

"We should probably go see Donna, she was getting rather impatient," Mommy said as she stood up, lifting me up onto her hip. I hid my face into her neck, relishing the darkness. I traced circles on her skin, a small smile on my lips.

"She treats me like a baby," I sulked slightly.

"You didn't have any complaints earlier," Mommy pointed out, making my cheeks heat up with a blush. "Is being a baby really so bad? You don't seem to truly mind when someone babies you. I think you just say you do because you think being a baby is a bad thing," she stated. I paused in thought as I pushed my thumb into my mouth, trying to distract myself from her words.

"I going outside again," I informed her. Mentioning misbehaving would definitely distract her from what she was saying.

"No you aren't," Mommy said as she gently pulled my face away from her neck and made me look up at her. "I'll have new locks on the doors to go outside by tomorrow and since you like to disobey me so much you'll be the only one who doesn't know the password for them," she stated.

"That's not fair," I said as my eyes widened. She couldn't do that, how would I ever escape to enjoy the snow. "I need to be outside, everyone does," I sulked.

"Your sisters haven't gone outside in decades because it would kill them," Mommy pointed out. I frowned at that, I wondered if they missed being outside. Maybe I could do something to show them what outside was like but in a way that they were safe.

"They're an ex-exs-exsep," I stumbled over the word as my eyebrow furrowed slightly.

"Exceptions," Mommy said, making me nod my head. She gently pulled my thumb out of my mouth. "I have a paci for you in my study, you don't need to suck on your thumb," she stated as she opened her study door. Almost immediately I was taken from her by Auntie Donna who cradled me gently.

"Alcina I think she may kidnap the child if you don't watch her," Angie giggled as Auntie Donna sat in her chair, Angie sitting on the arm of it as she studied me. I smiled at her as I giggled happily, tilting my head when the study door opened. Daniela appeared next to us, a book in hand.

"I always read to Freya, can I read to her while you hold her?" Daniela questioned. Auntie Donna nodded as Daniela sat on the edge of her lap, opening the book to start reading to me. Daniela had barely started reading when the phone rang. Mommy answered it as Daniela continued reading.

"Damn it," Mommy said as she slammed the phone down into place. She looked at us with a frown as I looked at her curiously. She looked upset but not the normal upset like when I was naughty. "Heisenberg will be visiting again in a few days," she said simply, ignoring my squeal of happiness.

"Unca Papa Hei'berg," I said as I clapped my hands, ignoring the choked noise that escaped Daniela. Angie cackled in amusement as she clapped her hands giddily.

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