Chapter 31

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*Freya's P.O.V*

I think Auntie Donna likes me. She seems to want to hold me and carry me all the time which was kind of nice. I had to tell her I wasn't a baby though. Mommy rolled her eyes each time I insisted that and I was starting to feel offended. Did she think I was a baby? I wasn't, she was just being mean for thinking that.

I think Angie was my new favorite family member though. She liked causing trouble just as much as I did and she didn't get caught when doing it. I tried to get her to agree to teach me but Mommy said no. Angie was still going to teach me though, we just had to be sneaky about it. Angie had left after a while, saying she was going to bother the girls.

"Give me my little dragon, I think it is long past her time for a nap," Mommy said, holding her arms out for me. Auntie Donna tightened her grip on me slightly as she held me close. A soft sigh escaped Mommy's lips as she looked at Auntie Donna. "Do you wish to help me get her ready for a nap?" she questioned. There was the slightest nod of Auntie Donna's head as she stood up from her chair.

Mommy led the way to her room, ignoring the pout on my face. I knew that she was going to make me wear another stupid diaper. I looked at Mommy in confusion when she walked past her room and stopped at the door right next to it.

"Can you wait out here for a moment Donna? I need to change her," Mommy said. Auntie Donna tilted her head down slightly and pressed a kiss, through her veil, to my forehead before handing me to Mommy. Mommy rested me on her hip as she entered the room, shutting the door behind her.

I looked around the room curiously and my eyes lit up when I realized what it was. It was a nursery decorated similarly to my room. There was a little fort in one corner of the room, a changing table and a little bookshelf filled with children's stories. There was also a training dummy, something told me that Cassandra had that put in. There was also a crib with a lid on it, did Mommy really think that would hold me? I could get of it, I just knew it.

"I take it you like it?" Mommy asked, making me nod my head quickly. She laid me on the changing table, ignoring my pout. She lifted my dress up, frowning slightly at the panties I was wearing. "We'll be talking about this later," she said simply as she pulled my panties off.

"I a big girl," I whined as she lifted my bottom and slid a diaper underneath. She sprinkled some baby powder into the diaper before pulling it into place and taping it shut. She sat me up and pulled my dress off before she lifted me up, carrying me to a dresser. She pulled out a light pink onesie. "No mittens," I sulked as she slid my feet into the onesie. She pulled it up and slid my hands through the sleeves, my hands landing in the mittens.

"You wouldn't have to have mittens if you didn't try to take your diaper off," Mommy said simply as she lifted me up, resting me on her hip as she carried me over to the door. She opened it and Auntie Donna came in after a moment. "Can you rock her for a moment? I need to make a bottle for her," she stated. I had never had a bottle before, I didn't think I wanted one either. I wanted to nurse, not have a stupid bottle.

Auntie Donna took me, carrying me over to a rocking chair that rested in the corner. She sat down, cradling me slightly. Her thumb ran over my cheek as I yawned softly, a small groan of tiredness escaping me. My thumb ended up in my mouth as I closed my eyes. I felt Auntie Donna's free hand gently touch the mitten I was wearing after a couple of moments.

"She has to wear them because she tries to take off her diapers," Mommy's voice was quiet. My eyes opened slightly as my thumb was pulled out of my mouth, feeling the nipple of the bottle enter my mouth after a moment. I hesitantly sucked on it, surprised when the familiar taste of Mommy's milk entered my mouth. I opened my eyes full to stare at the bottle as Auntie Donna held it. Had Mommy pumped it just so that I could have some milk before my nap? I felt all warm and fuzzy at the thought she had done that.

I closed my eyes as I felt Auntie Donna shift slightly, her grip tightening just so as she held my bottle. I drank from it until the milk was gone, whining softly when the bottle was pulled out of my mouth. I squirmed as I opened my eyes, accepting the pacifier that was pushed into my mouth. I settled back down as I sighed contently.

"She'll need to go in her crib at one point," Mommy said, her voice gentle. Auntie Donna held me closer for a couple of minutes before lifting me up, I assumed she was carrying me to my crib. She set me down in it, her hand gently smoothing my hair back as she tucked me into bed. "She's an adorable baby isn't she?" Mommy questioned.

"Tiny baby," the voice sounded slightly rough from years of disuse and my eyes fluttered open in surprise. Auntie Donna never talked, she was known for not speaking as Angie was sort of her outlet for speaking. I glanced at Mommy and could tell she was more shocked than I was at Auntie Donna's speaking.

I reached up and gently patted Auntie Donna's cheek through her veil. Her hand gently gripped mine as she held it in place for a moment before gently pushing my hand down. She shut the lid on the crib as I sucked on my pacifier contently. I turned over and drifted off to sleep, my hand gripping my blanket tightly.

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