Chapter 9

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Y'all thought Lady Dimitrescu overhearing Freya's conversations before was bad but this chapter is much worse for Freya.

*Freya's P.O.V*

I looked at Daniela with a pout on my lips as I kicked my legs back and forth. "Dani, please. No one else needs to go to the Village and I am just going to get some gardening stuff," I whined while crossing my arms over my chest. It had been a day since I had found out about the greenhouse and I needed to get everything for it as soon as possible.

"And I said no, it is not safe," Daniela said simply as she stared at me with a frown on her lips. "It is simply far too dangerous for you to go to the Village alone," she stated. "I will request that one of the other maids accompany you," she said.

"No one else wants to go though," I said as I stood up off the chair I was sitting on. "It's not fair Dani, I'm not a baby," I said as I stomped my foot, ignoring the raised eyebrow that she gave me.

"I said no, I will ask someone to go with you tomorrow," Daniela said simply.

"I want to go today," I retorted, frowning when she crouched down to my level.

"I said no, you may go tomorrow or you will not go at all," she informed me, ignoring the heated glare I gave her.

"I won't go at all then," I said as I jerked away from Daniela, storming away from her. I was stuck in a dangerous in between right now, my mind bouncing back and forth from regressed to my adult mindset. I really wanted to go but Dani was being mean and saying no. I stormed all the way back to my room, plopping down on my bed as I popped my pacifier into my mouth angrily.

I was surprised when a group of flies buzzed into my room and Cassandra formed right next to me. I climbed onto her lap before she could say anything, burying my face into her neck.

"I know, you're having some really big feelings and you don't know how to express them," she muttered as she awkwardly patted my back. "I usually express them by cutting people open but I don't think that would be something you would enjoy," she murmured. I sank into Cassandra's touch, quietly calming down after a bit as I fully regressed.

"Dani mean," I whispered as I played with Cassandra's hair.

"Daniela's been mean to you this whole time huh? Bullying your poor little baby self by not letting the monsters outside eat you?" Cassandra asked, biting back a laugh when I nodded. "Come on, I know someone who can explain to you why it's dangerous much better than I can," she said as she stood up, turning back into a swarm of flies. I squeaked when the flies surrounded me and started moving me, surprised that they could actually move me.

"Cassie," I whined as she moved me out of my room before heading down the hall quickly. I closed my eyes as I whimpered softly, waiting until I was gently let down before I opened them. "Don't do that," I huffed as Cassandra formed in front of me.

"I'll do whatever I want pipsqueak," Cassandra said as she lifted me up, letting me rest against her hip. "Besides it was only once, I don't like you enough to give you another ride for free," she stated as she tapped my pacifier.

"What we doing?" I looked around, ignoring what she had said to me. This place was very familiar but for some reason I couldn't place where we were right at the moment.

"We are facing your biggest fear," Cassandra said which made me furrow my eyebrows in confusion as she opened the big door in front of us. "I bring you this thing because I don't know how to actually take care of her and you can explain why she can't go to the Village alone," she said as she sat me down in front of a very familiar person. I looked up, staring into Lady Dimitrescu's golden eyes.

"Cassandra, what do you mean?" Lady Dimitrescu said as she crouched down to be at eye level. I flushed slightly as I reached out on instinct, squeaking softly when she lifted me up. I buried my face into her shoulder as I sucked on my pacifier, clinging to her dress.

"Freya wants to go to the village to get her gardening stuff but Daniela said no and that she could go tomorrow but Freya got mad and stormed off. And then when I went to check on her she had fully slipped so I decided since her and Daniela are at odds that you would know how to care for her and explain why going to the village is dangerous," Cassandra said all in one breath. "I leave you to care for her now," Cassandra said as she saluted before turning into fly form and buzzing out of the room.

"Cassandra," Lady Dimitrescu said with a sigh. She adjusted her hold, gently lifting my head up with a finger. "Hello little one," she said. I gripped onto her finger quietly with a small giggle escaping me. "I have work to do and no toys for you at the moment so you're going to be a bit bored," she said as she sat down in her chair, letting me sit on her lap. I looked up at her quietly as I studied her face, feeling my anxiety start to ebb away slowly.

"Dani mean," I informed her as I reached up, touching the edge of her hat cautiously. A low chuckle escaped her lips which surprised me.

"There are dangerous things out there that would rip you to shreds in a heartbeat and yet I don't think you would grasp that no matter how much I explained it," Lady Dimitrescu said as she gently pulled my hand away from her hat. "So for now, let's just stick with the fact that I have told you no as well. Do you understand why you have to listen to me?" she questioned.

"Cause what Mommy says is what goes," I said quietly, feeling her tense up underneath me as I snuggled into her quietly.

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