Without any hesitation, Roman turned around and asked.

"What did you say? One hundred million dollars?"

"Listen, man I was just jocking..." He added a bit embarrassed.

"It's alright" Brian said with a knowing smile. He knows his friend very well and what buttons to push to get him on board.

Jack recorded all of that in his phone. He saved it and named it as "The Epic Reversal".

This hiring mission would allow Jack to upgrade his title from Intermediate Auto Mechanic to Senior, and it would also give him the chance to explore a new world.

While he was happy with his life in the world of Fast And Furious, he knew that this was just the beginning, not the end. His dream is to travel the endless cosmos and have an epic adventure.

Recording these interesting experiences along the way is also important to Jack. So he could look back and remember them later. That's why he had an habit of recording most of his memorable moments on his trusty high tech phone.

"One hundred million dollars, we will divide it equally," Toretto answered Roman's question instead of Brian.

"So, that's 10 million per person?" Tej looked around and counted the number of people.

"Count me in." Roman shouted.

"Actually, it's 11 million per person," Jack corrected.

"I'm not involved in the action. I'm just responsible for providing the cars and modifications. All I want is the cost price of the cars and my own labor costs, which is less than two million dollars."

"Wow, buddy, you're not joining in?"

Roman, who had been so enthusiastic just a moment ago, said in surprise.

"Wait you are kidding right. It's 2 million dollars man. Are you sure your work is worth that much..."

"Roman!" Brian interrupted quickly.

"I'm sorry, Jack. He doesn't know your skills."

"It's okay," Jack said.

"He hasn't seen my skills. So it's only natural to have concerns."

Jack wasn't angry at Roman. He just found them amusing. Besides he had a secret weapon: a video of the "Epic Reversal" which he could send to everyone in the group.

"As for the 10 million you mentioned..." Jack said with a faint smile, "I don't really need it."

"What?" Roman looked dumbfounded. "Why not?"

"Because the person standing in front of you is a billionaire," Toretto said speechlessly. "Ten million is really nothing to him."

"What?!" Roman was completely dumbfounded.

But it wasn't just Roman who is surprised. Everyone else in the group is taken aback as well.


"So, you're a billionaire?"  Gisele asked.

After discussing the plan and taking some time to prepare, Jack was on his way to pick up the car and some parts and equipment that he had packed and shipped.

Along the way, he invited Gisele to join him. Out of curiosity, Gisele agreed. Now as they are driving to the harbour to his rented warehouse.

"Yes," Jack replied as he started the car and headed towards their destination.

"Is it that obvious?" Jack asked.

"No, you don't look like a billionaire," Gisele shook her head.

"I'm just curious about..."

Before she could finish her what she was going to say Jack interrupted her.

"You want to know why someone like me has such a good relationship with Toretto and the others? Also why I'm so rich while they are still struggling?" Jack said with a smile.

Gisele realized that Jack has read her mind her, so she just nodded.

"A few years ago, I was just a normal person who had recently arrived in the US. I had trouble even getting enough to eat. But with my past skills as a car mechanic and Toretto's help, I was able to get where I am today," Jack explained.

"But even though I have a good relationship with Toretto, we have a fundamental difference in one thing: I will never do illegal things, at least not willingly. Toretto and the others are different. They're born with a... adventurous spirit. I've tried to arrange jobs for them before, but they all refused. I guess they want to rely on themselves."

"In other words, they just can't settle down and want to live on the edge. Racing fits that perfectly. If they had joined me, Toretto and the others wouldn't be where they are now."

"That's fine, I don't want to force them. And I can't do it even if I tried. Of course, if they really need my help, I'll be there for them."

"The past few years, when they were on the run, I provided them with the cars they have now. That's what a brother should do, and I'm happy to do so." Jack shrugged.

"I think you seem to have another purpose," Gisele said suddenly.

"One of the reasons you don't want to be involved in the crime is to provide them with a way out when they're in trouble, right?"

"Hahaha," Jack laughed loudly.

"I like a smart woman like you! It's much easier to talk! Do you want to go on a date."

"Well, it depends on whether you have the ability to handle a girl like me," Gisele said teasingly.

"Oh! Them let's test it out right now."

Jack said as he stepped on the accelerator and let go of the steering wheel. He turned to look at Gisele without looking at the road ahead.

The engine roared as the fuel ignited and pushed the sophisticated machine to make a brutal movement, generating tremendous thrust.

The strong grip of the tires kept the car from skidding, and it sprinted out like an arrow released from a bow!

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