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Choi Han looks back after hearing a familiar voice and then smiles.


He softly said and took the little kid in his bosom.

"I saw a little rabbit that way! It looks so cute! It was color black just like your hair and eyes!" 

The little red head said with a smile, he likes telling someone what he sees every day, and his han-hyung is just right for him! He's patient and understanding he always waits for him to finish his story before playing with him.

"You just need to be careful next time Cale, what if ron couldn't find you? You will be in trouble."

 Choi Han explains while patting the red heads hair

Looking at the Cale henituse as a child Choi Han couldn't help but think of how such a lovely child would be so arrogant in the future, and it's literally 'Ron' who's looking after him

He knew just how well that assassin was at Disciplining a grown-ass man... So it won't be hard Disiplining this obedient little kid right?

"You could just tell me where to go then! So I won't be lost." Cale said grinning.

This silly little kid!.. So.. yea why would he change to something so....

"You're the most damnable pheasant I ever seen my whole life, you damn fucker! Burn in hell. You stinky ass son of a bitch! "

...Yeah that... Just how?

"Young master, are you talking to yourself again?" 

Ron. Choi Han looks at the not-so-old-looking assassin and smiles at Cale.

"I'm not! Han-hyung is real! Right hyung?" 

Cale said looking so adorably cute that Ron just chuckled and let the boy be, he's still three anyways.

Imaginary friends should manifest at this age... Right?


Little Cale pout then ran to Ron and raise his arms "Ron lets go to mother!" He cutely said making big adorable eyes to make the butler agree.

But little Cale didn't know that butler Ron was already tasked to escort him to his mother.

"Hohoho of course young master anything you want," 

He said amused by the little boy's antics.

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