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The next week was filled with harsh manual labor.

Siduri, ever so discreetly, had told Y/n in passing that he didn't need to "prove" himself, but he lightly disagreed and told her that he had to assist his master.

As it was the right thing to do.


"Ah, my muscles are killing me!"

It was the eighth morning of them being in Uruk. Each person having suffered from exhaustion of the passing days of hard work. (Except for Merlin of course...he was always off doing his own thing.)

Both Mash and Fujimaru were trying to take a break and cool off in the morning breeze. Merlin was off somewhere causing trouble or flirting with the ladies no doubt. And Ana was nowhere to be seen.

Y/n, however, was fast asleep. Caught in a dream that he didn't want to wake from.

"I know, Senpai," Mash answered, "though it is quite fun. Everyone is so happy here."

"Yeah they are, I didn't really know what to expect when coming to Uruk. I'm so used to the people being scared or hurt in the singularities, and this is a nice change in pace."

"Good to know you two don't talk bad about my people when no one else is around."

The two were quick to stand at the new voice and as a dignified figure appeared in the open doorway.

"King- King Gilgamesh!"

"You two seem to be working hard, so to show my good faith in you," Gilgamesh showed them a stone tablet, "i have a job for you. I need you both to go and check up on supplies in a nearby town. Though, if you're too tired, then I suppose Chaldea shouldn't be-"

"We'll take it," Fujimaru said excitedly.

"Senpai, should we wake Y/n?"

Fujimaru thought for a moment, "well, since we're just checking up on supplies, I think it'll be fine to let him sleep. We have been relying on him too much after all. Besides, in the last singularity he almost died from that last attack and he's still recovering from it... if I was a better master then he wouldn't be struggling with mana or healing so much..."

Mash laid a hand on Fujimaru's shoulder, "I'm sure Y/n doesn't blame you, Senpai."

"But it's technically my fault that-"

"This mission won't get it done by itself," Gilgamesh interrupted with a bit of irritation. Fujimaru, quickly apologizing, took the tablet and motioned for Mash to follow him.

"Dont worry King Gilgamesh! We'll get this job done in no time."

Once the two were gone, Gilgamesh found his gaze looking towards one of the rooms. Truthfully, he thought about tagging along, but if y/n wasn't going to be going with them...

He could faintly feel Y/n's presence and how it fluctuated.

It was obvious that he was injured with how his mana was shaky.

And with that Chaldea master being a complete novice at spell casts, it was amazing how Y/n hadn't died yet.

Looking back at the foor and sensing how no one was coming back, Gilgamesh decided to have a little one on one chat with the assassin. And he'll be damned, but he was going to get Y/n to finally look him in the eyes.

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