Spending time

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Alright before I start I'm just gonna let you all know that Momo won the whole thing but 2 certain dumbasses won't take an L for an answer so yea.

Days after Momo won the sports festival somehow Izuku was allowed to train his fiancé along with Ln due to a certain amount of people wanting her so she took the offer even tho she just wants to be with her fiancé and her poly girlfriend. Momo has learned a lot from the both of them as Ln trained her how to focus while Izuku trained her how to be more prepare when it came to fights and of course they trained her quirk as well so she can use it properly. Within her time with the 2 her quirk gotten better and that she felt more confident in her abilities due to the 2. As it was time for patrol 2 certain idiots tried to kill her as they saw her and Ln used her quirk and Targeted Katsumi and shot killing her in her head as she drops dead scaring Katsuki but his ego got to him and tried to avenge his twin sister as Izuku took his dagger and chopped him in half (like Kung Lao do it on Mkx if you haven't seen that you should to get the idea).

Izuku: oops

Momo: that's sad to see but I'm why didn't no one saw this?

Ln: maybe because most of them are wondering what as happening there.

As the 2 looked to where she pointed to the girls eyes went from regular to 50% off sale on a store and they drugged Izuku to the store. Hours later they are seen walking out of the store talking and laughing about so many things as Izuku is carrying all of the bags.

Izuku:(Thank God I have a black card if they used the other cards I'm hit)

As they walked past they saw that the bodies that both Ln and Izuku killed.

Momo: hey I forgot how did that got there

As Izuku and Ln shrugged as they completely forgot that they were the ones who killed them but somehow they both find it funny.

Izuku:*laughs a little* well however they died is not our problem.

Momo&Ln: very well

As they walked off Izuku had a vibe that they are being followed and he looks back to see no one and he is now kept on guard. During the time what they didn't know is that a certain green haired dumbass is following them and she is highly pissed that 2 women has her twin lover and she followed them. Before that she was talking to the LOV and was thinking of how to frame Momo so she can go to jail for stealing her twin lover.

Izumi:(I will destroy you Yaoyorozu you stole my man away from me now I'll put you behind bars)

As days goes by class a was wondering where are the Bakugo twins they haven't seen them before the internship and Izumi came running in and by the way Momo looks she seems to have something and her instincts telling her to her the fuck out of there and right before Izumi opened her mouth Momo had saved herself and dialed Izuku.

Izuku: hey baby what's wrong.

Momo: *starting to hyperventilate* baby right now I think I'm in danger please come get me please I'm in need of your help.

Izuku: ok go to nezu right now and stay there I'm on the way.

Momo: hai

As she hung up the phone she quickly got everything and went towards Nezu office as she is now hyperventilating due to Izumi. As she did she saw almost all of her class standing there with a look on their faces except for jirou who doesn't believe it and she sees Nezu face saying run and she did. As she did the class except for jirou ran after her and Momo who is now scared for her life is running for her life and she tripped and fell and her class were just about to hurt her until gunshots where heard. As they saw Izuku standing behind a now scared Momo with Ln using her quirk to fire at the next student who approached them they backed away.

Izuku: nah where y'all going were you just chasing my fiancé.

Izumi: y-yea because she was the

Izuku: shut up you know damn well she's not the traitor (now I got a new idea)

Izumi: but I have proof oni-

Izuku: call me that and I'll fucking lull you where you stand Ln get the proof from her.

As she did she looks at it and have Izuku look at it and they both looked at each other and looked back at them. By now Momo is cowering behind Izuku hoping they won't get her due to how scared she was of what they are gonna do to her.

Izuku: where the hell did you get this?

As Izumi was struggling to answer Izuku shouted at her.


As Ln aims her rifle at Izumi from close range right in her ugly ass body that she was "saving for Izuku"

Izumi: I framed her so she can go to prison I don't want her near you along with this Ivan bitch.

Ln: how the fuck you  know I'm Russian bitch

As she got scared that Ln got pissed that she was called Ivan the class ran away from them knowing if they stepped in they would've died.

Izuku:(they all got a brain)

As Izumi passed out from fear due to how much the 2 are scary. Izuku turns back and hugs Momo cheering her up from the shit she's being put threw.

Izuku:*rubbing her head* don't worry my special creati they are not gonna hurt you.

Momo:*sobbing* ar-are you sure?

Izuku: I'm sure don't worry

As Momo got a text from Aizawa that she's clear to go home due to stress and other shit she's been threw she was quiet happy.

That's the end of this chapter

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