Meeting Him

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They were then allowed to leave. Boboiboy and the other members of his team, dragged Gopal out of the room as he was making a fuss about him not being able to eat his mom's curry for a year. The others continued talking about the journey however one of them seemed very disturbed by something.

Chapter 2

Amato, Mechabot, and Maskmana were having a conversation after Boboiboy's team departure. Their journey was the initial topic of conversation, but Mechabot soon noticed a shift in his friend's demeanor. "What troubles you, Amato?" he asked.

Amato sighed, his gaze downcast. "It's just... I haven't seen him in so long." Maskmana leaned forward, urging his friend to continue.

"He was so small when I last held him in my arms," Amato said, tears glistening in his eyes. He quickly brushed them away, hoping no one had noticed. "I miss him so much."

The three friends sat together in understanding. Though unspoken, each knew Amato's longing to reunite with Boboiboy. They knew it had been years since the father and son had talked to each other.

"Then let's just see him right now. He should be in his room packing," Maskmana said, putting a comforting hand on Amato's shoulder and squeezing it.

"It's just that... I miss him so much but I don't dare to face him after disappearing from his life for so many years... I told him to 'berdikari' (this means independent) and I am glad that it had brought him here... but I just wished I saw him grow up in front of my own eyes..." Amato hung his head low. Throughout the meeting, he had wanted to hug Boboiboy so badly and apologize for not being there when he was growing up however he did not dare to.

"I am sure he will understand Amato. He is in TAPOPS right now. He knows how it works around here," Mechabot explained, trying to encourage his buddy to see his son.

"Well, we better meet him now Amato. It is better if you come clean now so that there will be no complication tomorrow," Maskmana suggested, seeing his friend face that was full of regret. Truthfully he had also wanted to see his friend's son again. It had been almost 6 years since they last saw each other.

"I guess you are right. I should go and see him now before he gets much more angrier towards me for lying to him about my job," Amato face soon lit up with excitement like a kid at the thought of seeing his son again. They rush towards the exit door of the main hall, making Captain Kaizo, Admiral Tarung and Commander Kokochi look at them in curiosity. They ended up just shrugging it off and continued to talk about the arrangement of the journey.

"Wait...Do you even know where his room is?" asked Mechabot, while they were running aimlessly at a fast pace in the corridors of the station. Amato and Maskmana came to a halt and looked towards each other.

"Uhh...Hehehehe...Well...I am not sure where it is" Amato said with a sheepish smile on his face which matches a lot with Boboiboy. Mechabot face-palmed himself and shake his head. If Amato had not save him 27 years ago, he will have probably left this two by now.

"We could ask one of the workers here," Maskmana suggested, preventing the both of them from starting an argument. Amato and Mechabot nodded their heads in agreement. All of them started searching for an Alien Mop, hoping that an Alien Mop could tell them where Boboiboy's room is. Fortunately, it didn't take them long to find one. An Alien Mop was mopping the floor not far from them.

"Mop! (I think that was what you call them) Do you know where Boboiboy's room is?" Amato asked, approaching the Alien Mop at a jogging pace.

"Mop! Mop Mo Mo Mop. Mop Mop Mop Mopp!" ("Yep! Just go to the left and then go straight. His room is Room 370!") said the Alien Mop while showing the direction to Boboiboy's room with his hands. The three of them thanked the Alien Mop before rushing off to the directions that the Alien Mop instructed them to go.

Soon, they had reached Boboiboy's room. Amato started to overthink while waiting for them to open the door after he had knocked it twice. 'What if he doesn't want to see me? What if he doesn't want to look at me anymore?' Amato thought in his mind. Maskmana whom noticed Amato's troubled face put a comforting hand on Amato's shoulder. Amato just smiled at him, thankful to have a friend like him.

After a few minutes, which felt like hours for Amato, the door finally opened after they heard a murmur which sounded like 'come in'. The three of them had to surpass their laughter after seeing Gopal's suitcase. While Boboiboy's suitcase was pack with clothings, Gopal suitcase was full of canned food and fruits.

Boboiboy and Gopal stopped packing their suitcase and turned their heads in the direction of the door to see who had knocked. When they saw the two Admirals and power sphera, they quickly did the TAPOPS salute, shocked to see them.

"Admirals, what are you doing here?" Boboiboy asked, thinking of reasons on why they were there. Gopal was secretly wishing that they were there to tell him that he would not be going for the journey and would be able to return to earth. He had been really looking forward to go back to earth but TAPOPS seem to have other plans.

"Boboiboy, can I talk to you for a second?" Amato asked, diminishing Gopal's hope of returning to earth to eat his mother's curry. Boboiboy nodded his head before going out of the room and sitting on the floor, looking at the stars through the huge window. Maskmana and Mechabot gave Amato an encouraging smile before entering the room to help Gopal pack.

Amato walked slowly to Boboiboy, trying to think about what to say to him but his mind was blank. Amato sat beside Boboiboy and admire the stars outside.

"Aren't the stars nice tonight," Boboiboy said still not looking at his father. His father hums in response. Amato turned his head looking at his son, thinking at how much he had grown up.

"Boboiboy..." Amato started, catching his son's attention. Boboiboy turned his head towards Amato, waiting for him to say what he wanted to. Looking at Boboiboy's face so closely made his heart break. Boboiboy seem to have lost all his baby fat and became a charming boy. Guilt took over Amato's body as he looked at the grown up boy in front of him. He had changed so much. He was no longer the small boy that would run to him every time there was thunder, he was now a mature teenage boy becoming a man that would make his family proud.  Amato pushed the guilt away and said what he wanted to say.

"I am so sorry for not being there for you when you grow up. I want you to know that I am proud of you. I wish I had been there to help you and comfort you when you are in pain. I am so-" Amato was shocked when Boboiboy hugged him in the middle of his rant. Amato returned the hug and they embraced each other for the next minute. Boboiboy broke the hug and the both of them wipe the tears that were brimming in their eyes.

"I've truly missed you, dad," Boboiboy said after wiping the tears that were threatening to fall. "I've missed you too son," Amato said.

"Dad, I thought you work as an ambassador? Why did you lie to me about being an ambassador? Why didn't you visit me if you knew I was in TAPOPS?" Boboiboy questioned his father, feeling hurt that his father had lied to him.

"I am sorry, Boboiboy...for lying to you. I thought by not telling you who I am would protect you. I do not want people to hunt you because of me. I want you to know that I do all of this because I care and love you," answered Amato, hoping Boboiboy would understand the reason why he had kept his job a secret. They both embrace each other again. Boboiboy did not want to leave the warmth of his father's arm which he miss so much. He hoped that he could live in this moment forever.

However Boboiboy's hope soon vanished when they broke away from each other when they heard someone giggling and saw a flash of light directed at them. They turned around to the back and were shocked to see Boboiboy's team, Ochobot, Captain Kaizo, Maskmana, and Mechabot looking at them. Fang, Ochobot and Gopal mouth was agape. Ying was holding a camera, which they guessed she had used to take a picture of the both of them hugging. Ying and Yaya had this look on their face which they only have when they saw something cute and heartwarming. Kaizo just had a neutral look on his face as if he was not interested at all. Maskmana and Mechabot just gave Amato a thumbs up.

"Hehehe. Hi guys," Boboiboy said before being bombarded with questions from everyone except for Captain Kaizo, Maskmana and Mechabot.

Hi guys! I am finally done with this chapter! It had taken me awhile to write this chapter as I am not really that good at writing emotional stuff however I tried my best. I hope you enjoy it. If you have any suggestion on how to improve the chapter please DM me.

Peace Out,

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