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"What are you doin' here?" I took a gander at my mom suspiciously, like I had never seen her before. I hadn't exactly seen her in nearly 7 days or more. She was perched on the lounge chair, a harsh demeanor on her face. I just remained there, unfit to truly accept that she was staying there. I hadn't seen her vehicle in the carport or anywhere along the road, and yet I truly hadn't been looking.

"This is my home, Brandon. I live here," my mom said furiously. She looked at Chris, but the serious look on his face just faded. "Furthermore, who are you?"

"Chris." Briefly, my mom said nothing. And afterward, she at last said carefully, while attempting to keep a quiet voice, "Meeting you, Chris, is great. Yet, this moment isn't the most ideal opportunity for you to be here. I really want to converse with Brandon alone." My stomach was turning in a wide range of bunches, and I could feel myself gradually becoming numb everywhere. Chris made a stride in reverse, away from me, toward the entryway.

"Okay," he said considerately. To me, Chris said, "I'll see you tomorrow, B."

I didn't reply. I recently watched, furious and disheartened, as Chris left the entryway. A couple of moments later, I heard his motor turning over, and I heard him drive away down the road. At that point, I felt truly alone.

"Sit," my mom said, her voice sounding frozen.

Hesitantly, I walked over to the seat opposite the lounge chair where my mom sat. Her eyes still had that fierceness in them that made me apprehensive. After a brief slip of quietness, my mom said, "I got a call from your Spanish educator, Ms. Navarro, only a couple of moments before you returned home. She let me know that you were found stealing from another person's test."

It seemed like my chest was collapsing, and I was unable to relax. I hadn't anticipated Ms. Navarro calling my home that soon, and I sure as damnation didn't anticipate that my mom should be here to pick up the telephone. "She let me know you were bamboozling off a kid named Christopher Green," my mom continued. "That couldn't turn out to be the name of the kid who just left here, could it?"

Peering down at my shoes, I answered, "Yes."

"Since when do you undermine tests, Brandon?"

"I..." I had no idea what I was going to say.

"This lady told me a few things, including you and this kid, that have me very concerned," my mother said. "You never let me know that you've been in confinement for essentially the most recent three weeks. Your educator let me know you were suspended for three days for engaging in sexual relations in the study hall with this kid. Why is Brandon that? Tell me, since I'm not exactly understanding the reason why you're having intercourse at school with a kid I didn't know existed until ten seconds prior."

I actually didn't have the foggiest idea what to say. "I don't have the foggiest idea."

"Well you want to know speedy, Brandon Newman. I'm extremely angry with you. Your educator let me know that both you and this kid ought to have been ousted at this point. The main motivation behind why you haven't been is on the grounds that you're a decent understudy. Brandon, send you to school with the goal that you can get detention and get ousted. The main two things I've at any point requested that you do are be a decent understudy and deal with the house when you haven't arrived. I confided in you to be mindful and use sound judgment, and you'

"I don't know... a parcel."

My mom murmured profoundly. "Your instructor says you have seven days of confinement starting tomorrow; if I were in your shoes, I would do whatever I expected you to do so you wouldn't have to do that confinement. It doesn't matter to me whose ass you need to kiss in return; however, I maintain that you should be here tomorrow around lunchtime before six o'clock. Ideally, I'm getting my point across."

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