Chapter 18

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"Magic? Like wizards n' shit?"

"That's the only way, I think. I'm not one for believing magic or karma, but the fact that of all the people to 'accidentally' fall into this cartoony ass world was me, that's gotta be some kind of luck or magic or maybe even karma..."

Scout and I were sitting next to each other on the kitchen counter drinking coffee and discussing possibilities for my being here. He's not really the first one I wanted to talk to about this topic, but he was the only one awake this early in the morning.

After my talk with Spy, I immediately grabbed a notebook from the infirmary a started writing down as much as I could about how I crashed. There was stuff I didn't remember well, but I remembered enough to make out two possible reasons why I ended up on the Red team's front door.

The first possiblity I could think of was dimension hopping, but I don't think know how any science could completely change my anatomy and make me look like an SFM model in an instant. Being completely compatible with my new environment wouldn't make sense if I were just transported either, since that would mean doing a lot of research with chemicals and shit, so that's definitely a no-go.

My other ideas kind of fell apart as soon as I thought of them too. The Freaky Friday way means trading places with someone, and everyone else seems to be here. The 16 wishes way means I would have wanted to live here and I definitely didn't wish for this. The Jumanji way means them coming to life, but that doesn't explain why everything else looks different.

No, the only way that made sense and doesn't involve much science is... magic. The good old Pagemaker Trapped in a book (or in my case, a game) trick.

"And I'm Richard Tyler." I say as I wash my coffee cup in the sink. Scout gives me a perplexed look.

"Gonna be real with you, babe. I have no idea what movies or TV shows you're talkin' about."  He hands me his cup to wash next.

"Oh, damn. Yea I forgot it's the seventies." I look at the running water and bite my cheek. "It's probably a stupid theory anyways."

"Hey, hang on, you didn't let me finish." He turns of the sink and I look back up at him. "Maybe if you write down or tell us exactly what you think happened that night, Engi and the others can help you sort out a way to make it... happen again?"

Realizing what he's saying, my eyes light up. "...yea. Yea! You're right. I have an idea, then." I dry the mugs and place them in the cupboard, then grab my notebook and dash to the door. "Thanks, Scout! I've got an idea now!" Scout chuckles as he watches me run away.


Engineer is where he always is, in the garage, tinkering with a gadget and writing down ideas, when Sniper walks in.

"Hey, partner. How can I help you?" He doesn't look up from his project, but kicks the bar stoll next to him. Sniper stomps down into the shop and parks beside him. Engi frowns and keeps sodering. "You want an update on the teleporter."

Sniper leans back. "With that soggy attitude, sounds like you haven't had too much progress." He puts an elbow on the work desk. "We could always search for more options, Mate. Doesn't always have to be about science."

Engi sighs and puts down his sodering iron, then takes a rag from his overall pocket and wipes it over his sweaty bald head. "Science is the only way some girl dressed like that coulda come from a big ol' truck like this, son. You see any other woman with her hair they way hers is, dressed the way she do?" He shakes his head and puts his helmet back on. "She's telling us the truth, Mundy. An' we gotta get her back before something happens to her. To us."

Sniper's lips thin as he processes Engi's words. "Look, mate. All I'm saying is there are options we haven't check out yet. So take a breather and let's put our heads together. You've been in here all day."

Engi scratched the stubble under his chin and sighed once again. "Well, I'm not givin up on the teleporter, but I'll take a 'tea time' if you'll leave me alone."

"Whatever. Come on then, egghead."

Sniper knocked on Engi's helmet with his knuckle as he stood up. Engi stood up and they walked together out of the room.


Hello! I'm back! This chapter is a little shorter, but hey, it's here! I've had some issues with my living situation and my college applications lately, so I've been quite busy! I got accepted to one of my top 3, so that's really nice, and this fall I'll be moving again with less hassle but more stress since I'll be alone this time. (currently living with my friend)

I should be getting a regular schedule for these next few months, so chapters will come out as they always have, once a month. I'm also writing more for different fandoms and I'm also on AO3 now! So please don't hesitate to check out my other stories (the newer ones are Dabi from MHA, multifandom oneshots, and Snaccpop minis !!) I'm quick to reply to comments and questions, and I see everyone who votes! Thank you for following the story so far! There are 9k views on this now and I'm excited to show kore of you my weird fanfic haha!


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