Chapter 10

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□ This Chapter has been updated □
Slight nsfw warning: touching and reacting


The rest of the day went quite smoothly after Engi talked to us, Demo walked me back to the infirmary, I told him about some stories from basic that he thought were funny, and I ended up cleaning up the infirmary until the evening with some supplies I found in the destroyed bathroom. Of course I cleaned that up as well. Medic walked in later in the night, but seemed not to notice until he saw the bathroom door open while he was hanging up his medical coat. He walked in to see me on the floor of the bathroom scrubing the green slime off of the tiles.

"You should be careful when you're doing things such as cleaning, frau. You body is still recovering." He says as he puts his red gloves back on. I stand up and wipe some sweat from my face with the back of my hand.

"Oh, don't worry about me, Medic, I feel great today." I stretch my arms across my chest as I walk to the sink, and I stop to wash my hands. "I could run a mile right now."

"That is... quite unusual." Medic looks like he's thinking very hard, then looks at me with a cocked eyebrow.

"Unusual? That I'm doing well?"

"Well, yes. You woke up from a coma just a few days ago and you're walking around in perfectly adequate conditions. That is indeed strange." Medic motions me to come closer, and I oblige.

"Well, how long does it normally take? A week or two? Not too long, right." He leads me to the operation table, making me a little nervous.

"Actually, more around a month." He grabs his stethoscope as per usual, then motions for me to sit on the table. "We're going to do a more thorough check up today." I hop up and take off the coat.
"Okay, so I'm doing exceptionally well. Thats not a bad thing." I put my hands on my lap and try to stay still while he prepares. "Right?"

"Not usually. But I would like to be safe rather than sorry. Breathe normally." He places the cold drum under my tank top on my back in a few places. He grabs the front of my tank and lifts it open, and reaches into my shirt, until I smack his hand down on instinct. He raises an eyebrow at my sudden action.

"I-I'm pretty sure my breathing sounds just as normal in the front as it does in the back, so you don't have to check the front, or at least ask a person before you do!" I quickly pull the coat over my body without making eye contact with Medic. He tilts his head, but then dryly laughs.

"Are you usually this insecure with your regular physician?"

"My physician is usually... another woman... And I'm a little insecure normally, so, yes?"

He makes an 'ah' sound and nods his head, understanding the situation. "Yes, I had almost forgot; you're female. That explains things." His lips tighten and he starts mumbling something in german. He takes off the stethoscope and sets it neatly on the counter behind him.

I chuckle a bit, which slightly calmed my nerves. "Did you forget? We've done a check up a couple times now, and weren't you one of the guys that helped me stay alive while I was in that coma?"

He smiles wryly. "Well, I did help, but I was only there for the parts where you were fed and being healed. I never actually gave you a full check up while you were comatose."

"Oh." I say. "So, that's why you've been doing them regularly while I'm awake?" He boops my nose with a red gloved hand, and I giggle.

"Exactly, frau. If I had been able to check on you while you were in the coma, I would have probably taken a few of your organs!" He laughs heartily and turns around, and grabs an otoscope and a wooden stick.

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