As the music blares, a different waitress approaches us. She's carrying a tray of shot glasses. She shoots us a glamorous smile and stops in front of our booth, holding out the tray.


"You guys serve alcohol here?" I ask. I thought this place was just a diner.

"On nights like this, yes." she responds.

I look at Harry with a glance of 'should we?' and a shrug of my shoulders. He chuckles and pulls out his wallet, non verbally saying yes. He hands the waitress some cash and she gladly hands us two shots. "Take these and get dancing, you two." she says as she heads to another table.

I look out at the rest of the diner that lies outside our table. People are dancing and singing, having fun that I've only seen in movie moments.

Harry picks up the shot glass. "You heard her, get dancing." he teases.

I shake my head with a laugh. "Shut up."

"I'm not joking."

I pick up my shot glass. "If I'm dancing, you gotta dance with me."

He takes his shot, taking it like it was water. Then shakes his head as he looks to me, "I don't dance, but I'd love to watch."

My eyes narrow in a bit of a glare. I think for a second, my mind still slightly buzzed. The look in his eyes just makes me want to do things that I never would before.

"Fine." I simply say before downing the shot without letting myself think twice.

I set the glass down on the table, and stand up. In my deep subconscious, I want to look back and make sure that he's still watching me...but I don't look back, instead I head to the dancing group of strangers.

Upbeat music spins in a jukebox, the type of songs that you somehow know all of the words to. I'm immediately welcomed into the dancing, girls and guys singing to me and encouraging me to move with them.

And that's what I do, even though I'm going crazy with self insecurity deep down.

But, miraculously, that only lasts for a moment.

In Denver, I never danced. I never let myself go and have fun. Maybe it was me, or maybe it was Isaac. With Isaac, I was so held back, I think I lost myself. I realize that now, because presently with this group of strangers, I found myself so quickly able to just have fun.

I'm here in some small town, in a random dive-style diner, singing every word to a song and dancing like I never have before.

Some girl and I sing lyrics, and my cheeks hurt from genuinely smiling. A guy grabs my hand and twirls me around, not touching or looking at me in a way that would make me uncomfortable—he just does it out of fun.

Still smiling, I look toward the booth. My heart drops for a moment when I see Harry missing from it. I immediately start to think that he left. Maybe I was too much. Maybe he got cold feet.

But then, I feel a warm hand and the coldness of rings on my waist. My head turns to see him now at my side, our eyes meet and he gives me a warm smile—and any doubt I had faded right there.

I wanted him to get up and dance with me so badly, and he did.

I turn so my body faces him completely, my face looking up at his. "I thought you didn't dance." I tease,

"I will for you." he states and the soreness in my lifted cheeks only grows.

I feel a tap on my shoulder, making me turn my head to see the girl that I was singing with earlier.

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