Chapter 15

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We don't hear anything on the communications of entrest, but we do find new allis. Ones that are more trustworthy then the government. Right now they're about to steal a warship. Me, Malcom, and Sam are staying here. To say it's boring is a lie. The woman octopus thing is currently burning me. With fours lumen that she stole. I try not to scream. I can't help it. It burns to no end. She's burning the right side of my face, and down my neck. I keep hearing screaming or maybe that's me. I can't tell. Four is also in pain. I can see that much. She loses interest in me, and drops me to the floor. Four looks like he wants to help, but he cant. She's dragging him along. I feel my body limp against the floor. I don't know what's more surprising that four went to five for help with flying. Or the fact he's being dragged by a insane mog and there's nothing I can do to help him.

"Oh bloody hell." I hear Nigel say,

"I'll clear the way. Do you think you guys can carry them?" Daniela says, ran puts one arm around my back Nigel does the same.

"I can walk." I mange to get out.

"Naw, you can't. You can bearly speak. Come on." Nigel says, i try to protest, but they don't listen. We run into Sam and four.

"Are you ok?" Four asks,

"Yes, I can walk you know." I say, to them.

"Naw, you can't." Nigel says, again. I roll my eyes. Four is leaning against Sam.

"We're both falling apart, aren't we?" I say, to four. He laughs.

"Yeah, seems like it." We all end up in Lexas ship. Lexa is flying. Six is sitting next to her. Sam Is sitting on a bed. Four is asleep. Ella is sitting. Nine is pacing. Julie is leaning against a wall chewing on her thumb. Nigel, Daniela and ran are all sitting. I'm sitting next to four. And Marina is still trying to heal me. She can't. Julie made that clear.

"Marina, it's ok. You did all you could."

She shakes her head. "I know, I just need to try."

"No, save your energy for ra you'll need it." We land near the mog ship they stole. We drop off the newbies.

"You shouldn't go with us." Nine says,

"You need me. I'm going rather you like it or not." He smiles. Soon we're at the outpost. I'm not sure what fives doing, but I know four is flying trying to keep the Anubis on him while six brews up a storm. We keep getting hit. At one point I fall into nine.

"Shields at 40 percent!" Rex yells,

"All power to shields!" Sam yells, and then we're falling.

"What the hell did you do!" I scream

"We have shields." He says nervously. And then we're floating. Nine has Marina and she has six. He has me around the waist with his other hand.

"This is every guys dream." Nine says,

I roll my eyes. "Nine, shut up." Marina says, I chuckle. The Anubis crashes, then we follow the plan. Five dies in the first five minutes. As nine stabs ra I jump on ras back. He slings me across the room. My back hits the wall. I feel a pop. I can't move my legs. I can only watch as nine loses his arm. I scream. He's in so much pain. Marina try's to heal him. She can't. I don't know what happened next because i pass out.

A year later
I sit next to nine as we watch the kids train. I have leg braces that I can walk with. I just hate them. I only wear them when I don't have a choice. "I never thought you two would be professors or married." Four says,  nine almost pushes him off the catwalk. I laugh.

"Hey you gave me your blessing." He says,

"Four there's something we need to tell you." I say, his face goes slack. "You're going to be an uncle." He leans down and hugs me.

"Youre going to be the baby sitter Johnny." Nine says,

"How far along?"

"Two days, but in my speices that's equivalent to four months." He nods, drops off our necklaces, and says goodbye.

Don't worry it's not finished yet. I'm also going to do the trilogy. I just need to finish the trilogy.

We made it. We won.

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