Chapter 4

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Nothing happens at school. Besides being invited to a party at marks house. Needless to say that didn't end well, and now we're being yelled at by Henri. Four loses it, and pins him to the ceiling with his telikonises. "Four!" I yell, and then sara storms in. With Sam behind her. He gives as a panic looked. If Henri wasn't going to kill us before he is now.

"That's it! We're leaving now!" Henri screams, once four drops him.

"No!" He screams and runs off.

I face palm "I swear I have children." I murmer under my breath. "I'll find him." I say, Henri nods, and I run. I go faster then I've allowed myself to. I can run up to a hundred miles a hour. That's what I do. I need to find him. We get to the school it's empty.

"John, freya." Sam and Sara say in unison.

"We knew he would come here." Sam says, noting my confusion. We run through the hall. The mogs pinning us on the second floor.

"What do we do?" Sara asks,

"Well I know someone who can help, but he's sort of being held in West Virginia." They all shoot me strange looks. "I'll explain later." We hear blaster fire. The door crashes down. We see a women shoot down a mog. She runs to us.

"Which one of you is four?" She asks rage in her voice. I point to him.

"I'm starganan. Those two are human." I say pointing to Sam and Sara.

"We have names!" Sam yells.

"Yeah and we're about to die! This can wait for later!" She starts firing. Then we run. We end up in the cooking room. I see Henri there. He looks pissed.

"Here!" He yells, tossing me a rod. "Hit the button on top. It's a gift from your mother." So I do. It a sword I look at it in awe. "I told you she was the best warrior I ever met. Now we need a plan. What's your name?"


"Fuck!" I yell,

"Language!" Henri yells, I roll my eyes.

"They broke the charm. They can be killed out of order now."

Henri eyes go wide. "Shit! I forgot about that." He says,

"You're contact in West Virginia. Can he help us?" Four asks,

"Did I not mention the part. That he's LOCKED IN A CELL!" I yell,

"Who is it?" Six asks,

"Nine." I respond

"How do you know this?" She asks.

"He's my mate. It's a starganan thing. Apparently. We need to get Sam and Sara out of here." Mark busts in. "And mark, apparently."

"She's right." Henri says,

"Alright mark you get Sam and Sara out of here-"

Sam interruptes him. "No, I'm staying. I need to find my dad." four rolls his eyes.

"Fine Sara goes with mark. Six and Sam you help them. Me, freya, and Henri will go out there."

"Four, we're going to die." He rolls his eyes.

"What choice do we have?" He asks, he has a point. Henri shoves fours trunk in an oven. We are such a rag tag group. You got the nerd, the cheerleader, the warrior, the jock, the old man, the idiot, and the crazy one who had the luck to get mixed up in all this. We go out seperte ways. Henri dies. We leave mark and Sara behind. We are terrists now. We can't turn back. We can only try to save the world. I hope we don't fail.

I couldn't write henris death scene. I hope you understand.

We are so very very screwed.

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