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Hey so I know I've been gone for quite a while..
I've been dealing with a lot in my life and I genuinely have forgotten about this and I'm really sorry about the slow updates. But just like a lot of people I've grown out of writing this. Not necessarily Stranger Things but writing these stories. I started writing these stories about Steve Harrington because he was a character thats helped me cope with a lot of struggles I've had. But I recently let go of him so now I don't really see a reason to make these stories anymore.

Now this doesn't mean I'm leaving.

Infact I won't be leaving.

Writing is something I've always enjoyed doing ever since I was little and I still do it for fun. I will continue to write stories about Steve Harrington here but I'm thinking to expand my pallet a bit and write stories about other characters as well.

But that will take a while.

Adding onto what I said. I will be continuing to write chapters here but the updates won't be too frequent anymore. Or it might be me blasting out stories every single day and them dissapearing for a whole month. But its part of growing up. And sometimes we all have to let go of things.

I may also be taking a break. It might be a month, year, or even a few days. But no matter how long it is I'll always be updating this.

Thank you for everything.
-A.K the author

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