Chapter Seven

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"Well I wish I could take the credit. I just got the equations worng so." Said Five.

"So what do yoy want?" She asked.

"To stop the apocalypse." Said Five.

"Now, you know that's not possible." The Handler said. Five pulled out a gun and pointed it at her.

"You know I will just be replaced. I am just other clog in the timeline." The Handler said.

"This fantasy about bring your family together to stop what's meant to be. It's just a fantasy. But we do admire you two. Five slickness and Hugo's power and how much he can truly do." The Handler side looking at Five then me.

"That's why we want to offer you two a job. A place at the commission." She said.

"I am sorry?" I said.

"Come back and work for us. You know you two belong." Handler said.

"Well it didn't work out last time. What makes you think it's gonna work now?" Asked Five.

"You two won't be in correction division anymore. I am talking about home office." She said.

"We have the technology to reverse this process. I mean you can't be happy like this?" The Handler said.

"I am not looking for happy." Five looked over at me and I nodded "Same gose for Hugo." He said.

"Please everyone is looking for happy. We can make you...yourself aging. The Handler said.

"What about Fives family. We can't let them die!" I said.

"Well, there's nothing I can do about that." The Handler said.

"Of course you can. Me and Hugo want them to live after the apocalypse happens." Five said.

"All of them?" She asked.

"Yes all of them!" Five said.

" I see what I can do. Do we have a deal?" The Handler said putting her hand out.

"One thing." Said Five.

"Hugo." Five said pointing at Luther.

I walked over to Luther who was frozen. I moved the bullet away from him and to the field where it wouldn't hit him.

Five had taken Hazles gun and threw it to the field and removed the bullets.

We walk back to Handler and look at each other. We took her hand and left to the commission.

We get to the commission. I was in the middle of Five and The Handler.

"You must admit Number Five and Hugo in all the time I've been here, I've never anyone quit like you two." The Handler said.

"Hazle and Cha-Cha, for example, are talented, but the never see the big picture. Fives spunk and Hugo's calme manners, well it reminds me a great deal of myself, if I may be so vainglorious." The Handler said and we walked up the stairs.

"I am glad you two agreed to work woth us aging." The Handler said.

"You two won't be working in the correction division anymore. You'll be apart of something bigger." The Handler said we saw a room with people writing.

"That's a lot of people." I muttered.

"Ah yes being apart of something so big." The Handler said as we walk into the tube room. We saw an old woman trying to find somewhere to put the tube.

"Five, Hugo this is Gloria. She us responsible to get information to get information to people on the field." She explained.

"Nice to meet you, deadly things." Gloria said.

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