17. The Story Of Us (END)

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The last few days, his discomfort was at its peak.

The problem was, Krist Perawat had been completely ignored by his boyfriend. Except the time when they had meals, Gun totally glued his eyes on the laptop, not looking at Krist for even a moment.

Krist was, of course, more than upset. As he failed to draw the attention of his lover, the younger vented his anger on Ritz and the two boys, causing them to cry for help.

"P'Gun, helpppppppp."

"Meung.. I beg you, do whatever you want, but spare some time for Krist, urghhh."

"I'm really stressed when he gets mad, Phiii."

"P'Gun, do something, stop this torture .. I don't want to die in P'Krist's hand just because of your odd love story T.T ~"

Gun lifted his head to look at the long faces of those three, he then chuckled and ended up with a sentence making them all frozen.

"Go away .. I'm busy."

Ritz was speechless, so he dragged both Mike and Title into his room, trying to avoid interacting with Krist during this sensitive time.

Krist had a cookie in his mouth and walked around the house, no matter where he went, his eyes were fixed on Gun, it was filled with anger though, not with love.

Getting bored, Krist sat down on the sofa, right next to his boyfriend, and started playing his trick.

"Phi ~"

Gun was staring at the screen, but he still managed to answer instantly.


"I'm hurt ~"

"What's wrong?"

"My arms are sore, my legs, my back, my whole body are aching too."

"If you're hurt, lay down on the sofa, why you keep moving back and forth?"

Krist couldn't help glaring at Gun when hearing that, not giving up, he asked.

"Do you still love me or not?"

"Love ~"

"So why do you ignore me these days?"

"I'm busy."

"Busy what? I saw you having your eyes glued on the laptop all day long, tell me, you are chatting with someone, right? Who is that person 😤?"

"Aww, my boyfriend is jealous today?"

"Uh.. I'm jealous, I'm madly jealous."

Gun cracked up with those words, he shifted his gaze to Krist, poking the tip of his nose, the older said with his teasing voice.

"I'm just writing the manuscript."

"And it is more important than me?"

"Yeah, of course.. as I told you, the new book this time is extremely important, so please.. be patient."

Gun went back to work after the explanation, Krist also stopped whining, whilst watching the other work for a couple of minutes, he snoozed right on the sofa.

When Gun decided to turn off his laptop, the hands of the clock already pointed to one o'clock at night. He stretched his shoulders, looking to the left side and he found Krist sleeping soundly with his mouth slightly opened, he smiled.

He sat there still looking the younger for a moment, and he gently touched his shoulder, shook it lightly.. said his name. 

A hand touched his shoulder, shaking him. It was dark and warm and he just wanted to sleep, but Gun kept shaking his shoulder. Being woken up from a sweet dream, Krist slowly opened his eyes and blinked a few times.

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