13. Krist .. Are You Okay?

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- Six months later -

Right now, Krist Perawat was sitting hunched, his eyes staring down at the floor, he was mentally prepared to get scolded by his housemates and his lover.

What happened?

It was because of his trembling hands and legs causing him to break things here and there.

Within the past two weeks, Krist had spilled the drinks of three customers, Ritz had to apologize on behalf of his employee and prepare the new orders for them again. When the two boys asked him to clean the tables, he accidentally dropped Mike's peace lily pot on the ground. Sitting down to pick up the broken pieces, the boy felt sad and regretted his effort when seeing the white flowers scattered on the floor.

Title knew that Krist has been clumsy lately, so of course he didn't ask him for any favor, just telling him to just sit still. Yet, getting bored as there was nothing for him to do, Krist decided to slice watermelon with a knife. He ended up cutting his finger instead, the wound kept bleeding, so Title had to pause the task he was doing to find the bandage for Krist to cover it.

And the worst thing was...

Krist broke a fragrance bottle of Gun, his favorite one, not long ago.

Krist sat on the floor and was too deflated to get up, facing the other four people sitting on chairs.

Ritz raised his voice.

"Krist Perawat."

Hearing his name called, Krist immediately lifted his head and looked at Ritz with a reserved manner, secretly hoping the boss not to fire him because of those little things, or worse .. kick him out of the house.

Krist was dumbfounded, all the terrible situations crossed his mind.

'What if P'Gun hates me and even breaks up with me?'

'No .. huhu, P'Gun .. I'm sorryyyyy.'

Seeing Krist grimacing, Ritz unhesitatingly flicked his forehead, a red mark appeared right away on that spot.

"Meung, are you deaf? What happens to you?"

"Huh? What did you say?"

"I ask you, what happens to you these days? What's wrong with your limbs? Why you keep breaking things?"

Krist lowered his head, his expression dulled. He really didn't know what happened, but all of a sudden his limbs have become trembled from time to time, in a way he couldn't control them.

Krist scratched his head and his ears, his shoulders slumped, he answered in an apologic voice.

"I have no idea. I'm sorry, I'll be more careful."

Title sat next to Mike, he tapped on Krist's shoulder and spoke softly.

"We're fine, but I'm not sure about your boyfriend."

Only then Krist finally noticed that Gun had been sitting in a corner ever since, not saying anything, not even scolding him.

Ritz and the two boys told each other to go away. 

Krist approached Gun, holding his hands and pulling a sad face.

"I'm sorry, I'll buy you a new bottle."

Gun turned to looked at the guy, he wagged his head and muttered faintly.

"That's a gift from my mom, it is already sold out and will not be restocked."

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