14. Let Me Sing You To Sleep...

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Gun and Krist stayed like that .. for the rest of the night.


Early in the morning, when Ritz was getting ready to go to his coffee shop, he stopped by his friend's room to see how things were going.

As soon as he opened the door, Ritz's eyes met the scene where Gun was leaning against the glass door, calling Krist's name softly. Looking at his tired expression, Ritz could tell that he had been up all night.

He stepped closer to Gun and asked under his breath.

"How's things going?"

Gun shook his head slightly.

Ritz sighed and left, walking outside .. when standing in the door, he spoke up.

"I've prepared the food already. Meung, go take a shower and drag him to the kitchen. He has locked himself here and not eaten anything since yesterday."

Ritz closed the door, heading to the café with Mike and Title. Due to Krist's current circumstance, it was certain that he wouldn't be able to go to work at L'âme Sœur.

Gun went to the bathroom to change his clothes, and when he got out, he decided to open the glass door to see how Krist was.

The moment the door was unlocked, Gun couldn't help but knitting his brows. Krist was huddling in the corner, his head leaning against the balcony railing, he stared at the older with vague eyes.

Gun sat down facing Krist, he took his hands in his and asked softly.

"Kit, tell me, what happened?"

Krist was sitting still, his heart ached all over again - as if someone used needles and poked it repeatedly - when hearing Gun's question, warm tears rolled down his cheeks from the corner of his eye.

Actually, Gun was always a calm person, but seeing Krist crying hard in front of him like that without telling him the reason, his heart unconsciously beating faster than usual.

He reached out to fix his boyfriend's messy hair and said in a small voice.

"Kit, please tell me, what happened to you?"

Krist shook his head, giving him the same vague look, he insisted on not saying a word to him.

Gun sighed helplessly, he couldn't leave Krist like that, caressing Krist's palm with his finger, he soothed him.

"If you don't want to tell me, I won't ask you, but now, you need to have breakfast with me, okay?"

Krist kept shaking his head. Gun drew his lower lip between his teeth, taking a moment to think, then looked the younger straight in the eyes.

"Fine, if you don't want to eat, I won't eat either, I will stay here with you. Agree?"

Krist looked at the guy in front of him, a flicker of concern in his empty eyes. Since the day they started dating, Krist was the one always telling him to at least have three meals a day. Gun knew Krist would never allow him to skip meals, that's why he said that.

Seeing him slowly showing reaction, Gun continually spoke.

"If you don't eat, I won't either. I want to lose some weights."

Hearing those words came out of Gun's mouth, Krist's eyes then bored into him.  Then he stood up, the expression on his face was emotionless.

Gun took Krist's hand .. both went to the kitchen, Gun pulled out a chair for him, next he opened the cupboard and take out two bowls, two pairs of chopsticks, and two spoons. Then he placed the kimchi fried rice that Ritz prepared on the table.

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