Who the Hell Made me This Way

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A few days passed and Jack and I were back to a somewhat stable relationship. I still didn't fully trust him, he knew that. I could tell he was about to risk an arm and leg for me, it's sweet, but he got too personal at times; he tried to help me brush my teeth one morning, his excuse was "You're my guest" which isn't really even an excuse, but I let him use it as one.

"Jack, you have classes today, make sure you get there in time," Adam said as he walked into the room with his vest on.

"How do you even know that?" Jack asked, he was sitting on the counter with a plate of toast in front of him.

"I checked your schedule, and knowing how irresponsible you are, just thought someone should look out for you and make sure you do your shit," he smiled and grabbed his hard hat.

"Hey! I can do that! I may be homeless and a huge loser, but I'm responsible," I turned around in my chair and looked at Adam.

"Sure," Jack furrowed his brow.

"Then why aren't you at work?" Adam smirked at me.

"Shit! I forgot!" I quickly ran into the spare bedroom and grabbed a black hat that said "Foam Country" in brown letters and put it on.

"See you guys tonight!" Adam called.

"Bye Adam!" I yelled. I hurriedly got my black jeans and white high-top shoes on. I ran into the bathroom and looked at myself in the mirror for a bit. "This hat looks stupid on me," I sighed and went out to the kitchen.

"You're more of a mess than I am," Jack teased me.

"Shut up, at least I actually have a job," I rolled my eyes and grabbed a water from the fridge.

"Hey, I just applied for one, I have an interview this afternoon," he squinted his eyes.

"How are you gonna get there? You have classes then."

"Did both of you look through my schedule?"

"No, I saw it the first time you invited me over here."

"You still remember it?"

"Yep," I quickly grabbed my car keys off the counter. "Make sure you get there in time, be responsible, don't-"

"Smoke weed, do drugs, drink alcohol, I know, I'll be ok Ry."

"See you later J," I put my jacket on and walked out the door.

I walked into the back and grabbed an apron and tied it around my back.

"That hat looks stupid on you." I looked up and saw a girl sitting on the counter, she had short, messy brown hair and blue eyes. She was eating a croissant.

"Isn't that from the counter...?" I pointed to the croissant.

"No one said I couldn't have it," she shrugged.

"Because no one else is here."

"Exactly," she raised her eyebrows and pointed at me. She hopped off the counter and looked up at me. "That hat looks stupid on you," she reached up and grabbed it and put it on. I looked at her as she walked out.

"Yeah... I know," I whispered with a bit of shame.

"Also, you're twenty minutes late, I'm taking that out of your paycheck!" She called to me.

"Got it!" I called back.

During the middle of my shift, Jack walked in with a girl. She was new, which wasn't new, I saw him with a new girl every other day, he's a fucking idiot.

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