I Just Want a Real Friend

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During my 4th period, I was getting bored, so I pulled out my phone from my backpack and hid it in my lap with my legs crossed to avoid getting caught. I opened Instagram and scrolled through discovery.

As I scrolled through mostly animal video's, I stopped when I saw a familiar face, it was the guy I had talked to a few days ago, his name was Jack, he and I talked a little bit in my DMs. It was a video of him doing body shots off of a girl with the caption "College is fun, lol", of course he was having a good college experience, he's the cool guy, the popular kid, and his name is Jack, being popular is the most Jack thing ever. He had over 600 likes, how did he do it? How was he so cool so effortlessly?

"Ryan," Ms. Adams glared down at me and reached her hand out for my phone. I rolled my eyes and turned my phone off and gave it to her. "And don't watch those things, they're inappropriate." I looked around a bit and everyone just stared at me.

"Damn Ry, watching porn in class?" Ben teased me.

"Stop! It- it wasn't porn," I quieted down a bit as people started to stare at us in the dining hall.

"Then what was it," Andrew asked with a smug smirk on his very punchable face.

"It was just a video of my friend doing body shots off of someone, I was just looking at his Instagram page and that was his newest post from last night," I said with a sort of angry and annoyed tone.

"Who? No guy from here knows what a boob even looks like," John laughed.

"He's not from here... he goes to Columbia University in New York City," I said with sort of confidence.

"A New Yorker! Dang Ry, you scored yourself a good boyfriend!" Robert smirked. I stood up and smacked my hands on the table.

"I'm. Not. Fucking. Gay," I said, getting angrier by the second.

"You can admit it Ryan," Robert laughed. At that point, I had it. I lunged over the table and fell on the floor with Robert under me.

"WHAT THE HELL!" He yelled.

"I AM SO FUCKING TIRED OF YOU!" I screamed as I started punching him over and over until a teacher came in and yelled at me to stop. I was eventually pulled off of him, my hands were covered in Robert's blood, but I didn't care. He was screaming in pain, he fucking deserved it.

"YOU WERE EXPELLED?!" Mom screamed at me. "Ryan Joshua! We made you work for fourteen years to get into that school!"

"Key words 'we made you'! I never wanted to do this! I could barely handle middle school; I went through high school and came out a literal car wreck and you still made me go to a college I'm not ready for, and I'll never be ready for! I wanna write music! I wanna move away and get away from all of you! You're not even my real family so it doesn't matter!" I looked down at my mom, her face was red, and I had never seen her with more anger on her face than now, she even had tears in her eyes.

"GO TO YOUR ROOM!" she screamed.

"I'M NOT A KID ANYMORE! I AM TWENTY FUCKING TWO! I'm moving out! I can't do this shit again!" I walked away and she tried to stop me, but there was no way I was stopping, not again.

I put my suitcases full of clothes and accessories and I shoved my keyboard in the trunk before getting into the driver's seat.

"RYAN! PLEASE DON'T DO THIS!" Mom yelled as she ran out of the house.

"This is your own damn fault! I hate this family! I can't live here anymore! None of you know me!" I started my car.

"I know you, Ryan! You wouldn't do this."

"If you think I wouldn't run away then you could not know me less," I finally drove away, I was free, no one was there to hold me back anymore, did I care that I was leaving them? Absolutely fucking not.

I stopped for the night at an old parking lot, I was on the border of Pennsylvania and New York City already. I could see the lights in New York City from where I was, it was so beautiful, I couldn't wait to live there; I had no idea what I was gonna do but it was a chance for a new life where I could start over, no more praising a god I don't care about, no more kneeling for an hour straight, no forced praying, no teachings, just people that don't know me, and an opportunity to start all over, hell I could start my own fucking religion if I wanted to, but I wasn't, I didn't wanna follow anyone's rules, I didn't wanna live a life I didn't know. And who knows, maybe if Jack somewhat cares, we'll meet up someday and we'll become friends, maybe if he looks past my backstory, he'll give a shit about me and help me be as cool as him.

Not Without You (BOOK I)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora