Bonus Chapter: The Accident

Start from the beginning

"Aren't you underage for clubs?" I asked through narrowed eyes directed at Kayla."Did she put you up to it?"

"Hey!" Kayla exclaimed."I'm not that bad or an influence you know."

I wanted to believe her but I couldn't. Kayla had a tendency to follow along with what everyone said and couldn't make her own decisions. If Hayley was putting her up to this, she should know that she can always refuse but I wasn't going to say that in front of Hayley, I loved her too damn much to ever say those words out loud.

"Mum won't allow you to go anywhere," I said pointedly at Kayla. "And neither will I."

But Hayley wrapped her arms around me and made my resolve falter. "Come on, Oli linked us up with some fake IDs and all we want is to just see the place. Promise we'll be back in no time."

Fuck, I couldn't say no even if I wanted to. Sighing, I racked my fingers through my hair and stepped back from her embrace. "Fine, but you don't go anywhere without me," I replied flatly. "Let me know what time you plan on leaving so that the guys and I can tag along, I don't trust anyone. If I'm not there, then wait for Kai or even Jake, I trust those to look after you the same way I would."

Hayley smiled in return, "gotcha. We leave at 7pm but we'll just tell your mum we're going to my place for a sleepover."

This was a bad idea but I couldn't say anything. Just because Hayley and I were dating didn't mean that I could control her and tell her what to do. She was her own person.

Nodding, I walked out of the room and made my way outside where my motorcycle was parked. 7pm, I could make it just before they left.


"Dude, where's your head?" Kai asked, bumping his shoulder with mine and pulling me from my thoughts.

I sighed and held the controller firmly in my hands. "It's nothing, let's just play." But even as I said those words, they didn't feel like my own. Something felt off and I couldn't place my finger on what exactly it was.

Kai paused the game and turned to face me while Jake was already looking at me with worry.

"Spill, what exactly is bothering you? And I swear to God if you say nothing I will punch right in the face."

"Hayley convinced Kayla to go to some new club with her and I don't like the idea of my kid sister going to any club."

"I thought you already knew your girlfriend was a bad influence on your sister. How did it take you this long to realise what everyone already knew?"

I glared at Kai but he just shrugged nonchalantly as if he hadn't just called my girlfriend a bad influence.

"What? We all knew it, I don't even know why you asked her out in the first place," Kai shrugged. "But if she's forcing Kayla to go then I'm sorry but I can't keep quiet, Kayla is like a sister to me and I wouldn't want anything bad happening to her."

"Exactly what Kai said, Kayla is basically our sister and you don't expect us to sit here while your crazy girlfriend ruins her life," Jake added which earned him a scowl from me as well.

"I thought you liked Hayley," I said flatly because arguing wasn't going to get us anywhere.

"Nope," they both said at the same time and I inhaled a sharp breath.

"I'll talk to her."

"You better, or I will," Kai said flatly, then resumed the game.

"I'm not playing anymore," I tossed the controller to Jake who caught it with ease. "We leave before 7pm to meet up with them and probably stop them from going out which will no doubt make Kayla hate me since she's finally bonding with someone."

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