710 29 5

"I lay on the floor, surrounded by destruction."

Tw: mentions of injuries & sh, bullying
Y/n's pov:)

I wake up and check my phone. It's Tuesday. Parent's day is on Friday. I'm definitely not looking forward to it. Also my detention is in room 25, no idea where that is. It's only half an hour so.. yay?

I force myself to get up from bed. I stand in silence, contemplating my life. I rub my eyes, but I stop immediately from the pain that spreads from my eye. I hiss at the sudden sting. I go to the bathroom to check the damage. I have a black eye, a slightly bruised nose and a cut on my eyebrow. I unravel the gauze from my arms and rinse the dried blood off of my skin. Some of my cuts open. I take a paper towel and press down to stop the bleeding. I wrap the gauze around my cuts again and wash my hands with water. My knuckles are scabbed and bruised.

I brush my teeth and leave the bathroom. I change into my uniform and mess my hair a bit. I'll have to avoid showing my face more than usual, but that shouldn't be so hard after all.

I decide to skip breakfast; who needs it anyways. I make my way into class.

The day passes by pretty quick. At lunch my head starts to throb. I have a killer headache and my eye hurts. I keep ripping the scabs off of my knuckles unintentionally. My notebooks are filled with small stains of blood. I try to drink as much water as possible to ease my headache, but nothing works. I try to eat too, but I feel nauseous and I just end up throwing most of my food in the trash.

I head to history early. I sit at the back of the class and lay my head down. I feel awful. I can't even sleep because of all the pain I'm in right now.

After history I go to english. I repeat my last class' routine. I don't understand the homework I got, but that's a problem for future me. I just want to get through this day alive. I still have math and detention. Shouldn't be too bad.

I walk through the halls and someone shoves me into the wall. They just laugh and continue walking away from me. I walk through the door and sit at the back. I can feel Mrs. Addams' eyes on me. They're like lasers that are burning holes through my body. I just look down and cover my face with my hair as much as possible.

The class begins and I immediately realise that I can't lay my head down in this class. Mrs. Addams will get all worried and make a big deal about nothing.

I struggle to keep my eyes open. I start to fiddle with my fingers. Next thing I know my knuckles are bleeding once again. I wipe them on my pants. I glance up to check if someone saw me. I look around the room and see dark eyes staring right back at me. Mrs. Addams and I hold the eye contact for a while until I look back down at my work. I continue pretending to understand whatever the fuck we're doing right now.

The bell rings and I pack my things. Mrs. Addams looked like she wanted to talk to me, but I left the classroom way before she even got the chance to look at me again. I start searching for classroom 25. It's actually not that far away so I end up being ten minutes early. I sit on the ground with my headphones to silence the noise. I pull my knees up to my chest and rest my head on my arms, waiting for the teacher.

I lift my head up occasionally to look around, but all I see is students. I put my head down again.

I start hearing footsteps near me and I look up quickly. You'll never guess who I see walking towards me. Mrs. Addams, of course. I put my headphones back in my backpack and stand up. I feel lightheaded.

"Are you here for detention?" Mrs. Addams asks. I nod, not looking at her. I don't want to speak to her. I've already been too vulnerable around her. She takes keys out of her pocket and unlocks the door. She steps in and motions for me to sit at the front. I'm too scared to disobey her so I just sit down on a desk there.

𝘚𝘰𝘭𝘢𝘤𝘦 / Morticia AddamsDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora