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-Any other news?- Nayeon asked.

Jeongyeon took her beer and drank it. Nayeon knew that expression perfectly.

-Something is bothering you. What is it?


-You can tell me about it, if you feel like it

-I don't know if I should

-If the problem is for me, don't worry. If the problem is me, on the other hand, then fine

-Well... Since Tzuyu arrived... Sana seems to give more attention to her

Nayeon felt a pang in her heart, the desire to hit Sana was so strong but she knew that in part it was she who had caused that pain in Jeongyeon because she had hired Tzuyu. But she didn't expect that Sana would immediately hit on Tzuyu, so she had saved Jeongyeon from certain betrayal.

-And... Are you feeling so bad about it? Were you starting to have feelings for her?

-You know ... She was so cute that I thought I was finally enough for someone. She confessed to me that she likes me and I was happy but she was hitting on Tzuyu too

-Jeongyeon, if someone makes you feel like you're not enough, it's simply because they're not enough to be with you. You are perfect, there is no evil in you, how could you not be enough?

Jeongyeon sighed. -Yet it's already two people who break my heart. Am I naive?

-Maybe a little bit. Sometimes you don't notice the hypocrisy of some people. Sana may have seemed like a good person but she proved to you that she wasn't. You must consider yourself lucky because you could have fallen in love and suffered there

Jeongyeon felt uncomfortable talking about this with her ex, for whom, by the way, she still had feelings.

-Jeong, how are you now?

-I'm disappointed, because I honestly thought there was something between us

Nayeon was definitely convinced that calling Tzuyu was the best choice. From now on Nayeon would take care of her Jeongyeon.

-When will you have exams?-Jeongyeon decided to change the subject to avoid embarrassment.

-At the end of the month

-Practically in two weeks. Are you ready? You are about to receive your degree

-It's my dream after all- she said with a shrug.

-Yet you don't seem happy

-Why achieve a goal when you have no one to celebrate with?

-We can celebrate the two of us. Let's organize something at my restaurant. The girls seem to be getting closer to you and your parents won't be missing your graduation party

-Thank you for always cheering me up- Nayeon smiled sadly.

-I know how you feel: what's the point of making your dream come true if you've lost everything you really cared about?- Jeongyeon didn't look Nayeon in her eyes as she said that.

-Yeo... Jeongyeon, you've been waiting for your own restaurant since you were a little girl

-Yeah. Then I discovered that there was something in my life that I cared about the most

-Are you telling me that you would rather lose the restaurant than lose... Your relationship?- Nayeon yelled, almost scolding her.

Jeongyeon finally turned her gaze around and met Nayeon's. -Why not?

At that moment Nayeon felt like a fool. She threw it all away only to find out that Jeongyeon actually cared more about her than the restaurant.

-Mh... Do you want to see something?- Jeongyeon proposed, knowing that there would only be an awkward silence.

Nayeon nodded.

-Sana- Tzuyu called the girl who was leaving the restaurant.

The Japanese girl turned and saw the waitress staring at her. -Tell me, Tzuyu

The Taiwanese approached her. -Is there something between you and Jeongyeon?

Sana sighed. -I bet she's still obsessed with her ex

Tzuyu smiled. -Perfect. Then I can ask you out

-Me? You? Do you want to invite me?

-Why not?- Tzuyu shrugged.

-I'm beautiful and I like to flirt, of course, but you're perfect. How can a perfect being like you invite me?

-I don't know... I like to flirt with girls who respond to my flirts

-Interesting, Miss Chou. Where are we going to go?- she asked with a grin.

-First I need to know if you really like Jeongyeon

-Are you serious? I kind of like her but... I have to be honest: you attract me a thousand times more- Tzuyu smiled. -Well? Where would you like to take me?

-To my bed- she whispered.

-Send me your home address and I'll come see you one of these days

Among so many films, on that channel they had broadcast just one about a betrayal. Both girls wanted to change the channel but knew it would make the other feel more uncomfortable by doing so. They stood silently watching the screen.

-I have to go to the bathroom- Nayeon said, standing up.

-Perfect. Me too- Jeongyeon said, standing up, happy not to have to still watch that movie.

-Ehm... Do you want to come with me?

-Oh. No, no. You go first

-I'll be quick

Jeongyeon wrote to both Chaeyoung and Momo what had happened and the two laughed heartily. Of course, Nayeon had also sent her point of view to Momo. The Japanese had the general picture of the situation. The black-haired girl came out of the bathroom and took turns with Jeongyeon. Meanwhile, the eldest changed the channel, and when Jeongyeon returned, she told her that the film was over. They both knew it was a lie but pretended everything was normal.

-Do you already know where to go to work?

-A friend of my father knows a man who will hire me- Nayeon explained.

-I hope that at least he is not a son of a b*tch

Wrong joke at the wrong time. An uncomfortable silence arose between the two again.

Nayeon faked a cough. -So... It's late. Tomorrow I have a class at eight

-What class?

-Let's say it's a general repetition between me and my classmates. You know, in preparation for the exams we are all very stressed and we are trying to help each other

-Then you'd better go

It was better for both of them to separate. It had been an embarrassing experience. They had to learn to live with the thought that they were just friends.

-See you then

-Of course. Whenever you want

They looked at each other for a moment. Their eyes told each other to stay together, but their brains knew it wasn't the right thing to do right now. Nayeon got up and went to the door. She looked at Jeongyeon one last time and then walked out.

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