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A few days passed and Momo still wasn't talking to Nayeon, who hated the situation, but knew she deserved it. Nayeon left the house at seven to go to university and walked to the front of Jeongyeon's bar, remembering when it first opened at that time just for her. When she arrived, however, she saw something she didn't want to see. The bar was open and inside were Jeongyeon and Sana.

-The inauguration will be held this Saturday- Sana told her.

-I still can't believe it

-You deserve all the happiness of this world, Jeongyeon. I am so glad I found you

-Me too. Without you I could never have made my dream come true. You know, I've had this aspiration for years. My first dream was to have a bar and my grandmother believed in me so much. Unfortunately she died before I could open it. She called me "YeonYeon", that's why the bar is called that

-What a lovely name, just like you, YeonYeon. I wonder how it is possible that someone like you is not taken

Jeongyeon looked down. -I was but it ended very badly

-I'm sorry- She placed her hand on Jeongyeon's. -I hope you can find someone you deserve

-I hope so too- she said, looking Sana in her eyes.

Nayeon, of course, wasn't hearing anything, but she'd seen everything and those gestures and looks were bothering her. She acted on impulse and walked into the bar.

-I'm sorry, but we're still closed- Jeongyeon said.

-Yet you were always open at this time for me


Sana didn't quite understand what was happening. Nayeon had only told her she wanted to give the restaurant to Jeongyeon but it seemed the two knew each other really well.

-I heard about the restaurant. Congratulations- Nayeon said, smiling, hiding her anger.

-Thank you. She is Sana, the one who made it possible

-Nice to meet you, Im Nayeon- said the girl, extending her hand to the Japanese, who shook it confused about the relationship between the two. -Will there be an inauguration?

-Yes- replied Jeongyeon.

-Then I'll see you there

-Sana, excuse me a moment, can I talk to Nayeon?

-Sure, go ahead- said the Japanese. -I have to go anyway. See you later


Later? Nayeon wasn't enjoying that situation at all.

-I didn't invite you to the opening

-But I'll come anyway. After what I did to you, I want to see you smile

-While you were with that one, a complete stranger thought of making me smile again- Jeongyeon said in a cold tone.

-Jeongyeon, I know I was wrong and I will never forgive myself. Can we at least be friends?

-Friends? I don't know, Nayeon

-In memory of the old days. We can't throw away our past like that

-You did it

-It is true and I was wrong. I swear I'll do what you want. I beg you



-The first thing I want you to do is apologize in front of everyone: in front of me, your parents, Momo, Dahyun, Chaeyoung and Mina. You must feel humiliated as much as I have been finding out that I am inferior to a worm like Jeon Jungkook

-You have never been and you will never be inferior to him. Look where he is dishonestly and look where you are working hard

-In the meantime, you preferred him to me

-You know that I would never do such a thing but I will apologize in front of everyone and I will apologize to all of them too

-And you have to give me the house keys back

-Obviously- Nayeon then widened her eyes. -Have you already found someone to give them to?- she asked alarmed.

-Not yet. Ah and while I'm running the restaurant, I want you to run my bar with Momo

Jeongyeon had thought of everything. She wanted to make the two best friends reconcile.

-If I do all this, will you forgive me?

-I have already forgiven you

-Will we be friends again?

-If you do all this, we can be

-When do you want me to apologize in front of everyone? I can do it even now

-At my inauguration

The smile that Nayeon had disappeared immediately. -Won't be cameras there?

-There will

-Jeongyeon, you are better than this

-You were too. Unfortunately I am forced to lower myself to your levels

-When is the inauguration?

-This Saturday at six

Nayeon sighed. -See you on Saturday

-I'm so excited for Jeong!- Momo exclaimed.

-Me too- Nayeon said, coming out of the bathroom in a tight black mermaid dress.

-Ehm... Has anyone invited you?-Momo asked.

-Yoo Jeongyeon herself- said Nayeon with a proud smile.

-What a submitted- commented the Japanese. -Let's go?

-Is Nayeon coming too?- asked Dahyun.

-Jeongyeon also invited some kind of people- Momo commented.

-You've been friends with some kind of people for years

-Why did you dress like that? She will never set her eyes on you. There is another girl in her life now

Nayeon squeezed her clutch. Dahyun knew how sad the girl was, despite her mistakes.

-Momo, come on- said her girlfriend, taking her by the hand. -Nayeon, you too

The car ride was quiet enough, accompanied only by Momo's playlist, which Nayeon and Dahyun knew by heart. They arrived at the venue and were impressed by how big it was.

-Momo, Dahyun!- Chaeyoung exclaimed. -And... Nayeon. Hello

-Hi- Nayeon greeted.

-Let's go into the garden- said the shortest.

The four went to the place just mentioned and saw that Jeongyeon, Sana and Mina were talking to a reporter.

-Everyone has arrived. We can start-said Jeongyeon.

Mina walked away and the cameraman began filming.

-We are here in Seoul live from the restaurant Yoo Jeongyeon, the owner of YeonYeon, former supplier of Jeon Constructions. What can you tell us about this restaurant?- She put the microphone under Jeongyeon's mouth.

-I am really excited, it has always been my dream and I was finally able to realize it thanks to her- she said, looking at Sana.

Nayeon felt her blood boil in her veins.

-I haven't done anything. You earned the restaurant with your effort and your money

-How did you meet?- asked the reporter.

-I had heard a lot about the YeonYeon and then her name came out following the Jeon scandal. I needed someone to run this restaurant and hire some people I care about. I gave her the place and she will pay me in installments

-Jeongyeon, why didn't you take a restaurant before?

-I didn't want any restaurant. They had shown me many of them but they were all monotonous. I like to go big and now I finally have the opportunity

I had to update but I had a fever, sorry
I've been voiceless since Wednesday hahah

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