Chapter 13 - Miss. Mysterious

Start from the beginning

"You're shit, Jack"

"Am not!" Jack slurred through his words as he failed to play a sloppy version of Mozart's Piano Sonata in D Major, K. 576, also known as a piano piece almost impossible to play.

"It's the hardest piece out there! I wanna see you play it you big meanie" he slurred once again. "Fine, move"

 Jack's eyes widened in shock due to the words that came out of my mouth, "Wh-what?"

"You heard me, stand up and I'll play it" He was confused, with the help of his very annoying girlfriend Catherine he stood up. 

I sat down, stretched my fingers and the screeching following was not by the piano, but by that dumbass bimbo who's the girlfriend of an overly nice man.

"You got a problem or you wanna have one, sweetheart?" I spoke in a passive aggressive tone. "Aren't you poor? How could you get a piano and a teacher?" she asked pretty serious, I scoffed and Jack elbowed her, "Excuse me?" I questioned in utter disbelief at her ignorance.

"I asked; aren't you poor? How could you--" I cut her off because there is so much shit that can get stuffed into someone's eardrums. 

"I heard you Catherine, and you're gonna regret that" That was all that it took for her to take off running, and it was not an empty promise.

"Shall we continue?" I asked with sarcasm to the whole bunch of people watching me, I adjusted myself in the seat and let my hands take control; the world gone, just my hands and my piano connected as one.

Fifteen minutes where up when there were no more notes to play, I looked around me and the whole party was watching me in awe, I felt like an important person. I bowed sarcastically and spoke up, "I'm gonna get a drink"

There was any type of alcohol that you could imagine and yet none was appealing to me, I popped open a diet coke and took a large sip out of it.

"Didn't know that you could play like that" Ryle appeared out of literally nowhere, he startled me and I playfully hit his shoulder. "Don't scare me like that" I sighed and he chuckled, low and raspy. Attractive.

"You know how to play?" I asked, bored. "I play the guitar" he shrugged. "Ah, do you sing also? Like Troy in high school musical but instead of basketball hockey?"

"I would need a Gabriella for that" that had a double meaning that I didn't wanna dig into, "You have plenty of girls pining after you, I don't think that they're all called Gabriella but it'll do" I cracked a smile and he did too. 

"I don't like any of them" he mumbled after a small grunt.

The party was outside and we were inside, the music was blasting through the speakers but since the speakers where outside we could hear each other perfectly fine.

"C'mon, there must be a girl that you like. What about Josephine? she's an amazing singer and rumor has it that she's been after you for a while now"

I don't know why but there was a slight pang in my heart when I suggested other women for him, much to my whole body begging me not to I ignored it.

"I couldn't care less about Josephine, the one girl I like doesn't like me back" he let out a saddened sigh.

"Have you tried asking her out?" I rose a brow, "No..." he muttered shamefully.

"Then how do you know she doesn't like you?" I crossed my arms. "I just know, okay?" he shot back in a hostile manner.

"Do you like her or do you wanna just play around with her? You know you don't have a reputation of being a loverboy right?"

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"Do you like her or do you wanna just play around with her? You know you don't have a reputation of being a loverboy right?"

I know I don't, I just want her to know that I'm not what everyone thinks I am. I want her to see me for me.

"Yeah, yeah, I know. I do wanna try for her, she just-- she doesn't like me like that, y'know?" if only Phoebe could get that I was talking about her.

"I get it, can I know the identity of miss mysterious?" she joked and I chuckled, I could've found a mirror and give it to her, that way she'd know that she's miss mysterious.

"The only thing you can know is that ya'll are close"

She tilted her head in confusion and that was when the bell --more like the ringtone-- saved me; it was my dad, he wanted me home.

"See ya, Pho"


A/N: hi everyone! I'm sorry for not updating in a while!! i was at vacation and didn't bring my laptop, sorry!

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