T W E N T Y - T W O

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The next day rolled around slowly. Natasha hadn't gotten a wink of sleep and Thor ended up standing by Loki's cell once again. Well, standing is not the right word. Thor had been pacing the room, arms crossed and hand on is chin for the past 3 hours.

Finally Loki had had enough. "Will you stop pacing, you're making me feel dizzy." Loki rolled his eyes. He had been confused when Thor first walked in instead of Lily. But of course, he didn't want to seem like he cared, so didn't ask. The question was burning in his brain like it was being branded. Replaying over and over again. "Where is the mortal?" He ended up asking after thinking of every possible way he could word it. "I much prefer her company."

"Lily has become ill, food poisoning we believe. Though the others think something else is up." Thor explained. He finally stopped his pacing and settled uncomfortably in a steel chair by the cell.

Loki furrowed his eyebrows. An intense worry roasted in his chest. He despised the feeling. Wanting nothing more than to rip it out of himself.

Thor watched with interest at Loki's reaction. "You care for her."

"What?!" Loki yelled, his calm annoyed state turning into anger and disgust with a blink of an eye. "I do not! I care no more for her than I do a small ant. Because that's all she is. An ant. If the opportunity arose I would step on her in a heartbeat. Just like I will stamp on everyone in this tower when I get out of this wretched cell."

Thor couldn't help but laugh at Loki's rant. "Oh brother, I've known you for over a thousand years. I think I know when you have a . . .what is it Midgardians call it these days? A crush."

Loki scoffed. "I do not have a crush - if that's what you wish to call it. Besides, father would never approve."

Thor hid a smirk, "I didn't realise you required father's approval, brother. I know for a fact that mother would be thrilled with the mortal."

Loki tilted his head, "what do you mean?"

"Mother told me herself that she knew you'd find someone on Midgard. Just admit that you are fond of her."

"I do not even like her. She is too determined and makes the most absurd food. Her book taste is . . . interesting, but her clothing choice -. Who in their right mind decides to wear just a thin jumper in the middle of winter? And when she picks at her fingers when she's stressed is ever so annoying."

Thor hummed and hid his smile of victory.

Loki clenched his jaw, I will not let myself care for a mortal. A human. 


Lily had recovered from the unexpected illness, exiting the elevator in the tower. As she was about to greet the Avengers, a rough arm lurched out and pulled her into an empty room by the waist. The person slapped his hand over her mouth, muffling the terrified screams Lily let out. "Shhh," The voice cooed sinisterly. 

Lily focused through her eyes. The person's facial features finally came clear. Dark hair. Grant.

"How are you feeling? I heard you weren't doing so good. I'm surprised to see you back." Grant smiled as innocently as he could. 

Lily drew her eyebrows together at the confusion of his way of words. "It was something I ate, I feel fine now." Lily took a few steadying breaths, ignoring the bubble of vulnerability at the dark, lonely room they were both in. 

"Hm. That poison was enough to take down a super soldier. Perhaps, I should've upped the dosage." Grant contemplated unnervingly quietly.

"Wha- what?" Lily's breath caught in her throat. 

Case 325 || LokiTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang