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The bitter cold wind bit at the two people who stood in the alleyway. Stray bags blew across the street. Cars honked in the distance, the late night traffic annoying everyone in new york. The moon glared at the pair.

"You've had months on 325. I expect you to have results." A gruff voice demanded.

"Not exactly, I-" The opposite person responded.

"If you do not give me valid information then it will be your head I take back to Strucker." The first person warned.

"Li- 325 presents no signs of celestial power."

"They are not exactly results. Chose your next words wisely."

The second person didn't need words, he simply handed the other a memory stick that he had stashed safely in his pocket.

"What is this?" The man demanded with a rough tone.

"325 stole a file of Operation Skyfire from the Avengers. She was also searching the evidence room and came across her own file from when they attacked our Hydra facility. The pages had been ripped out of course, she found out nothing. This memory stick is the CCTV footage. I deleted the original video so no one else will find out. This is the only copy." The second person explained, pointing to the small device.

"Good work. I will take this to Strucker. 325 is clearly still worth our time. Find a way to get the file she took back. We can't have the Avengers discovering we're onto her or 325  becoming suspicious." The first man ordered. "Take this vial, there is only one way now that we can know if she carries the celestial blood. Complete your mission. I will review Struckers orders for the next stage."

The man handed over a vial of liquid reeking of toxicity.

"Hail Hydra." They saluted.


Lily's shift at the tower finished early that day so she took the opportunity to head home and change into something . . . Nicer, for the date with Grant.

"Hi Lily, did you have a good day?" Jason greeted as she walked through the door.

"Y-yes it went really well, Thor had a small tantrum about pop tarts though." Lily took off her shoes and followed her grandfather into the living room where they both sat on the sofa.

Jason laughed at that, but was quick to collect himself when he noticed his granddaughters expression. "What aren't you telling me?" He asked, raising his eyebrows.

"I have a date tonight." Lily cautiously said.

"That's amazing news! With who? Boy, Girl, Neither?" He bombarded, sitting forward in his seat excitedly.

"He is a colleague from work. His name is Grant Ward." Lily explained, she couldn't help but feel that saying his name was wrong. Like it didn't flow or feel right. She knew this date was a bad idea and couldn't believe she had agreed to it.

"I can't wait to meet him." Jason said, daydreaming about how he would plan dinner if he ever met this man.

"It's only a one off date. And I'm not even sure if I'm ready for a relationship. I-" Lily paused herself before she mentioned the family she had lost.

"Lily," Jason knelt down beside her and took her hands in his, "You need to get yourself out there. I know it's scary. But not everyone is going to leave you like your brother, mother and - Gran did. I'm certainly not going anywhere for a good long while."

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