T W E N T Y - O N E

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Lily got to the tower wearing her comfort hoodie. With cracked lips, puffy eyes, she somehow managed to get herself up. Last night's events replayed endlessly in her head. Never giving her a moment of rest. Despite not sleeping at all that night, she mustered up the energy to leave the apartment. Her grandfather was still asleep, which she was grateful for. He didn't need to see her like this.

Lily stood just outside the doors of the tower. She had told herself that she wouldn't let the Avengers down. That she wouldn't let Loki down. Despite the taste of her own sick stained into her mouth and her almost green complexion, she had made it to the tower. Her stomach was empty and she hadn't dared to eat anything for breakfast in case it made her vomit again. 

As soon as Lily took another step towards the tower, a heavy wave of dizziness plummeted onto her. She tried so hard to hold herself  together but failed miserably. She had never heard of coke going off, but it was the only thing that tasted strange about her meal.

Lily shook her head of her cloudy vision. 

"Shit." Was the first thing she heard from the Avengers when she made it to the living room. 

"You're going home." Tony pointed at Lily, leaving no room for argument. 

"What?" Lily stood still in shock, "I'm fine. I feel better now, I just had a rough night."

"Lil, you look like a ghost." Natasha rushed over, placing a hand on the young girl's forehead. "You're burning up, if you don't rest you're going to pass out."

"I walked here so I've just worked up a sweat." Lily reassured. "I'll be fine once I get going."

"No, the only place you're going, is back to bed." Clint stood, raising his eyebrows, the parental side of him coming out. "I'm driving you home myself."

"Clint, Tony-"

"Look kid, I admire your work ethic. I really do. But you're going to get into Clint's car before he carries you over his shoulder." Tony ordered, determination written on his face.

"Come on Lil. My back  is playing me up this morning so don't make me drag you to the car." Clint placed his hand around her shoulders. 

"Thank you." Lily said quietly, guilt washing over her at putting the Avengers out of their way. "You don't need to drive me, I walked here so I am more than capable at walking back."

"Loki's stubbornness is rubbing off on you. Get in the car." Natasha and Clint demanded at the same time. 

Lily reluctantly agreed, relieved at the thought of finally getting some sleep. 


Clint escorted Lily to her apartment door, making certain she rested like she was told to. 

"Lily, whatever is the matter?" Jason rushed over as soon as she got back home. His eyes grew wide at the dark bags underneath her eyelids. "Lily?" He asked again, his worry increasing with every second.

"Nothing Grandpa, I'm just not feeling well. I'm just going to go back to bed. Thank you Clint, for driving me home." Lily hobbled upstairs as fast as her legs could carry her as Clint nodded his head. Jason stood dumbfounded, Lily had never missed a day of work before. Even when her Grandfather had practically begged Lily to stay at home when she kept passing out. Lily refused.

Jason understood she needed her space, she had never liked to be crowded when she was upset or unwell. He decided that he would check on her later on in the day, giving her time to rest.

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