"Oh, but if it were Persephone's name he knew it would be different right?" Poseidon bites. "Your wife isn't the only one who matters!"

The silence following his statements gives me chills, and I keep from making the slightest sound. Guilt shoots down my spine when I realize how bad this looks to eavesdrop, but I had to know what was going on. Eventually he'd tell me what happened, so maybe it wasn't as bad as I felt.

"I know what I'm asking of you." Hades says firmly, "But you know as well as I do, he knows how to get in your head. I'm promising you, I will find out how he knows about your wife."

"I'm taking Zeus back to Olympus, and sending Hephaestus down here to work on new chains." He bites, "For your sake, I won't tell the others but I will be back tomorrow to handle the situation myself."

When the tension eases, I nod at Pirithous to signal it might be okay for us to enter. He walks over unafraid, and I begin carefully following behind him. I see Pirithous smile from the side of his face, and before he can construct any words, he's cut off.

"We're taking Zeus back to Olympus for the night, he should probably be with Hera right now." Poseidon's voice rumbles from behind the wall.

I enter the entrance hall, and I meet Hades eyes before giving him a soft smile. I rush toward him, and grip his tense arm before rubbing it with my hands. His blood boiled under his skin, and I rest my head on his shoulder. He didn't say anything, but I could feel his glare shooting toward Pirithous.

"I guess we will see you soon!" Pirithous says, and I keep from looking toward him.

The silence weighs on my shoulders as I feel Hades arm tense tighter. Just the sight of Pirithous seemed to anger him, but I knew there was more that he'd been stressed about. It was something about Cronus, and I didn't know how I could help. They exit through the front door, and I hear their muffled conversation through the thick door after they close it behind them.

I didn't know what to say, and I didn't know how soon I could ask about what had happened. Maybe I would wait a second, and he will tell me after his heart slowed. The silence stretches too long, and I slowly release my grip before looking up at him.

"Are you okay?"

"I will be." He says with a forced small smile, "I'll be gone for work a little longer until I can get this figured out."

"What's going on?" I ask, "Did something happen?"

"Somehow Cronus knows Amphitrite and Hera." He admits, and his hand grazes the back of my head.

"He knows their name, I'm not understanding how this is serious."

"It's serious because no one has ever given him a hint on what is happening on the outside world. He's been locked up for decades, he should know nothing."

"Someone must've told him."

He shakes his head and begins to pull away as he makes his way to the kitchen, "None of my guards would ever do such a thing."

"Then how would he know their names?" I ask, "There's no other explanation."

"Persephone believe me when I tell you, none of the guards who enter that dungeon would do something like that." His tone is firm, and cold as he rips open the cabinets.

He keeps his eyes peeled away, and I follow to keep the conversation. He takes out a small glass bowl, and lifts the small lid to peek inside. His eyes fill with relief, and he quickly sets the bowl back into the cabinet.

"I believe you, but maybe you should rest for a moment." I suggest.

"I can't rest." He says harshly, "I'm not sure whether or not he knows your name. This is exactly what I-"

The Curse of a GodessWhere stories live. Discover now