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  Persephone's POV

The window pushes the cold air through the castle, and I bundle up in a blanket as I stare outside. Soft white flakes gently fall from the red sky, and I wonder if this is normal. The castle collects the cold air, and I think of lighting a fire to help the blistering cold air.

A plate of breakfast is laid out, and I quietly eat while I hear footsteps above me. Hades usually doesn't come down, but he told me today was his break day. I wonder what he is going to do.

The sound of footsteps catches my attention, and when I see him step through the kitchen door I give him a soft smile. His eyes look puffy as if he didn't sleep, and his hair is a bit disheveled at the top.

"Good morning."

He takes in a deep sigh, "You seem a lot happier."

"I'm feeling a lot better. What about you? How will you spend your day?"

"I don't know, I forgot this was my day off."

"Why don't you go outside? It's raining white pellets."

"What?" He asks and steps out from the kitchen to see for himself.

I follow him out with the blanket still wrapped around me and catch him gazing out of the window. He brushes his hair back, and I wish I could've seen his reaction.

"Yes, it's cold. I think it might be my mother's doing. She said she would stop the spring, but I'm not sure how she affected the underworld."

"Your mother will never stop trying to kill me." He says plainly.

"I won't let her kill you. Well, even if she tried you can't die." I chuckle, "Are you afraid of my mother?"

He raises his brow as he looks back at me, "I'm not afraid of your mother. She's just annoying."

"I know, I'm so sorry." I apologize, "Why don't we go see what that stuff is."

"I think it might be too cold for you." He warns, "I can feel it through the window."

"I'll be fine, it might be fun to figure out what this stuff is."

We gather our cloaks and venture outside the castle. As he opens the door, the wind bites, and my nose goes numb. The small pellets of white begin to collect in my hands as I reach them to the sky. The mass of white collects into small mounds around the castle, and he reaches his hand out to catch some.

"This is nice." He says plainly, "It feels good."

He doesn't smile, but the interest in his eyes gleams in the white snow. A smile tugs at my lips, and I reach down into the piles of white. As I pick it up, I notice some of it sticks. The cold numbs my skin, and I begin to shape the substance into a small ball. It amazingly sticks together and looks back to Hades. His eyes are still distracted, and I chuckle as I think of flinging the stuff toward him. It didn't seem like it would hurt him.

Once his head turns, I chuck the small ball. It explodes as it hits his face, and I let out a small giggle. He stands still, before slowly wiping his face without a smile.

"I'm sorry, I couldn't help myself." I chuckle.

Once his eyes are clear he raises his brows at me, "You find the most amusement in the strangest things."

"You have to admit, that was funny," I say wiping my stiff hands.

"Did you make a ball of this substance?" He asks calmly.

I nod and step closer to him. Once I'm close enough, I scoop some into my hand before placing it in his. I cup my hands over his to assist him in molding the ball, and despite the freezing nature of this white substance, his warmth quickly starts to melt the ball into liquid.

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