Chapter 9: Elimination Chamber!

Start from the beginning

Logan looked to Micheal and took Johnny from his arms, Micheal let him because Logan scares him, when Amanda brought Micheal too meet them, Logan played the role of over protective big brother and since then, Micheal's been cowering to the Alpha.

Logan: How's my favorite nephew. Can you say, "Alpha?" No, what about "The Pack?"

They all watched as Logan gently bounced the baby boy in his arms, Ashley really enjoyed watching him spend time with baby's no matter if it's Roux or Johnny, he's great with kids and it proves that when Johnny just giggles at his questions.

Logan: It's okay, we'll work on that later.

Johnny is only a few months old and talking isn't something he can do yet, it's okay though because he's starting to walk now, only a few steps at a time but it's better then face planting the floor, they needed to get ready to work, Amanda and Micheal understood that and waited in catering for them, they met Becky and Colby a while ago so they already new them, Amanda had met Duncan before but she hadn't met Thea and he hadn't met Micheal so it's all fun and games with new people meeting each other.

Not just them though, a few of their other friends joined them and met Johnny, Gionna, Tegan and Shotzi, they use her ring name to save confusion with there being about 5 Ashley's in the WWE right now.

Gionna: Oh, you look good.

Everyone looked where Gionna was looking and saw Ashley coming towards them with her Smackdown Women's title in her hands...

 She did look good and smiled her thanks while sitting down with the small group, Colby and Micheal with the baby's in the grasps, Duncan however still hasn't been cleared for in Ring action, he over did it at a therapy session recently in hopes t...

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... She did look good and smiled her thanks while sitting down with the small group, Colby and Micheal with the baby's in the grasps, Duncan however still hasn't been cleared for in Ring action, he over did it at a therapy session recently in hopes to get back sooner and he might have made it worse, he didn't mind though because that meant he can travel with Thea more.

Duncan: Where's Wonder boy.

He was taking the piss of course but Ashley knew, he's with Hunter and Dwayne just going through the end just to make sure they all know what they need to do, this story is going way into Wrestlemania and it's one of the biggest stories they have going on right now, they want no mistakes.

Ashley: Talking with Hunter and Dwayne, it's apparently going to be huge.

They all believed her, Logan's got an insane creativity bar and they've all experienced it, during them working on the bumps, Logan would suggest things people have never seen before or new moves to make it different from the next, so watching him work with Dwayne can only spell big things...


It's now time for the Main Event of the evening, Gionna won the Women's Chamber Match meaning she'll face Ashley at the Grandest Stage of them all for the Smackdown Women's title, Ashley is looking forward to it, she can't remember actually having a fight with her before so this will be fun for them both and the fans seeing a pairing that doesn't normally happen.

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